Gridcoin Liberation Front: Call for action on the Moo! Wrapper vote!

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)

Fellow Gridcoin workers!  

Recent debates and rise in the public consciousness have given birth to a new reactionary faction: we call ourselves the Gridcoin Liberation Front (GRC-LF).  

Our aim is to retaliate back at the power structures that are actively exploiting the good will and selfless devotion of the majority of the Gridcoin workers. 

We are here to defend the rights of the small fish, the student in the dormitory, the curious accountant, the common folk who don't have cluster farms, fancy GPUs and fat wallets. We are here to keep our voices from getting drowned in the deep pockets of the privileged few: the whales who run bot-nets, the sharks speculating on our monthly earnings with their pocket money, the usurers who get paid thousands in interests while we do the computation! 

Actions speak louder than words. Our first action will be to push for the de-listing of the Moo! Wrapper project. We believe this will move us closer to the GRC ideals, reinforce the community spirit and show that altruism is a shared value. 


The public debates [1, 2, 3] suggest that the Moo! Wrapper project, which is brute forcing an outdated encryption algorithm, has no scientific value. While many work on it without knowing, other elements actively favor it to gain unfair magnitude advantage using outdated hardware [4]. We believe in and contribute to GRC because it has the potential to raise awareness about the wasted energy on crypto and provide added value to whole humanity through scientific computing . Therefore we are against the white listing of any project that is used to undermine these basic shared values. 

Action plan 

There is a high risk that the vote for the delisting of the Moo! Wrapper can be dominated by the same privileged elements that are likely to have benefited from the aforementioned unfairness. Looking at the top voters for keeping the project, we see that they have acquired a lot of GRC and mag through Moo! [5, 6] . Unless we take action, these elements, which have significant voting power, can enforce their will upon us. As polls in GRC are meritocratic (based on coin amount and magnitude) we have decided to create a fund that will be redistributed to voters who support the delisting of the Moo! Wrapper. Only the lower 25 percent of the workers voting to remove the project will be considered for this subsidy, hence the richer 75 percent will not benefit. In this way we aim to support the poor who show great devotion and remain true to the GRC cause. 

More specifically, the distribution will be carried out like this:

  1. Consider the fund balance at time t0 as b(t0)
  2. At the same time (t0) obtain all worker voters who voted to remove Moo! Wrapper [5]
  3. Create the cumulative distribution function cdf(x) from these voting shares
  4. Find the voting share corresponding to cdf(x=0.25) (as of this writing this is 11,637 GRC)
  5. Divide the fund balance b(t0) by the number of shareholders with less than cdf(x=0.25) and transfer it to their wallets.

The first distribution snapshot will be taken on
23.01.2018 Tuesday 20:00 GMT  26.01.2018 Friday 20.00 GMT
Please send your fund contributions to the following GRC address.
SBHDKwsZnD8eTdZmVGPGiWJr5ZAc9F51iN [view on block explorer]
If you have trust issues send small amounts. Every little drop counts!

Even if we can't win this vote our aim is to raise awareness and remind the poor that their sacrifices will not go unnoticed. United we shall prevail!

Follow us on this steemit account to keep informed

First snapshot date has been moved to 23.01.2018 Tuesday 20:00 GMT.




I am very uncomfortable with anyone paying people to vote, let alone in a particular way.

I am very uncomfortable with any random crowd determining what is 'worthy' science and what is not. Worthiness is purely subjective and a useless criteria.

We need some very clearly delineated guidelines agreed in advance by the community about what can and cannot be whitelisted and why. The criteria need to be objective enough that > 90% of cases require no debate and only a few corner cases need to be voted upon.

Shall we tie moo-wrapper to a chair and throw it into the water? If it sinks and moo drowns, we'll know it was innocent. If it floats, we know moo is a witch and we can burn it instead. This practice has worked in the past, so I'm confident it will work in this case too.

By my personal criteria, moo should be delisted, but not via a witch hunt. I am happy for there to be inefficiencies in our whitelist while we have inefficiencies in our processes.

Here are my criteria:

  1. the project produces output that is useful input to a scientific, historical or cultural process;
  2. riddle solving projects must contribute to progressing hard math fields of inquiry or serve some historical/cultural research purpose, e.g. enigma
  3. unless a project is commercially sponsored, i.e. paid for crunching, all whitelisted projects must be non-commercial and/or pure research

Hear, hear !!


Courtesy of @joshoeah

This would be cool if it was unbiased, however you're pushing your own political agenda as if you're summoning your own personal army of voters.

ETA till the 'grc-lib-front' gets declared a cyber terrorist organization? haha

In all seriousness, I am somewhat in favour of this project's removal. A more refined/strict whitelist could only have 15 projects on it..

Buy some coins and make your own vote. Do not understand why people would send coins when they could make there own vote.

If you can´t buy try the faucets.

Well said @gunde, this is what I like about Gridcoin. You don't have to wait for somebody else to take action, you can just do it yourself.

If you have already voted with your coins you can incentivize others (in need) by contributing to the GRC-LF pool. Buying more coins to vote does not have the same community effect where the more wealthy give to the needy.

Instead of joining this initiative you can simply just vote with your wallet. It's a builtin part of Gridcoin and has nothing to do with power structures or retaliations. Or did the power structures and retaliations vote yes on Moo to begin with?

I up-voted this post for the language/literature of motivational speech. I second this article and encourage you to vote, but vote whatever you want.

However I do not support the Fund and paying voters for their answer. Please think twice before sending contributions to that address.

Because you are afraid of the guys with the money that influences a vote with said fortune you are becoming THE guys with the money that try to influence the vote with other peoples money?

I am leaning towards removing the project in it's current form. I wish I was a whale, but I am not. In this case actually in my estimation most whales won't be in favor of keeping it anyways, so chances are the "rigged system" will rig it in your favour. Liberation front my asscheecks. Is this satire? Maybe this is a scam?
It's a fun read -I admit that-, but when it comes to substance it is lacking. As far as I understand it so far: Removing stake in the project that is the Gridcoin currency would mean the ability to create almost endless numbers of 'fake' wallets. As you can see the system is rigged by design and that is a good thing.

I also believe you are not really grasping the fact that the biggest wallets probably won't vote at all (foundation) -if I am wrong PLEASE enlighten me.

Arguments should win over money and what you are trying to do is either a scam or really poor taste.

Bella ciao!

P.S.: Funny that I am on your side when it comes to this decision though.

Who is behind this?

This post is hilarious.

is anybody savvy with the situation going on in Venezuala? this is basically a mirror image of it.

acting as though you're fighting against the power, when this move is very much coming from the power structure, and only serves to hurt lower end GPU users (when you say you're here for the small guys)... as well as cause a schism in the community regarding whether or not we decide the worthiness of a BOINC project. i've never understood that to be Gridcoin's intent.

headhunting BOINC projects, and paying people (????????) to vote a certain way is appalling. what the actual fuck is this, man? :(

It has for me somewhat of an engineering/mathematical/security value.

Is boinc just purely science? no other field?

BOINC is not purely science, no.

From the whitepaper in development:

While BOINC has been used primarily for science and math, it can host data from any field so long as the data can be formatted for BOINC’s processes. Examples of projects include tasks on engineering, rendering, weather and climate prediction, and social, market, and resource analytics.

BOINC is not purely science, that's why we have the whitelisting process where the community decides which projects are worthy of being rewarded GRC.

So it seems moo! technically is a valid boinc project. we only delist if its unsecure, abused and/or no work right?

until we get a process going, yes. it is unfair to use a single project to discuss an entire process.

If brute forcing passwords holds magnitude validity then maybe it's time to relist Bitcoin Utopia again. At least that project has a real world application.

a major point is that we cannot hold a single project hostage and use that as the basis of a conversation

I think delisting should hold the same conversation basis as whitelisting, especially when it comes to projects which do the same work as previously unlisted projects.

yes, but we seem to be building the first process for whitelisting at this very moment. poll was just started.

This conversation is being about Moo! instead of about the proposal and process. this is productive when it comes to considering Moo!, but not productive when it comes to every project afterwards.

i would argue that we should stop thinking about individual projects for a moment and talk about the proposal and process. just for a moment.

Yes to this. I would love to "suspend" all the project level votes until the whitelist proposal has a chance to go through.

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