GridPi Wireless Repeater Giveaway

in #gridcoin7 years ago (edited)

First of All, I would like to say thanks to @hotbit, @confuest, @delta1512 for their fantastic works on the main project, this one is based upon. You can read more about BOINCOS here. And the fantastic artwork is made by @joshoeah that I was unfortunately still not printed correctly. If i missed someone, please let me know, and rest assured is just due to making post in hurry. But in overal, thanks for all the members of GridCoin team both here, on Slack and everywhere for supporting our projects.

This project, is a GridPI derivate project, but based on work by authors mentioned above, in an attempt to make a product that will have commercial potential but also help scientific network.

Anyway, what's the thing about.

We are going to give-away few devices for the purpose of testing. This will be totally free of any charge, including postal costs.


  • You are a person in need for a wireless repeater.
  • You plan to actively use that repeater.
  • You are not yet into GridCoins, or plan to engage into GridCoins during the period of testing.
  • You are ready to make a post from time to time on steemit, describing your experience with the Repeater.
  • You are ready not to mess with the device configuration during the testing period.
  • You have a good reputation here. It's not important how much power you have, but reputation does matter, as we don't want random users that we will never hear of.
  • You can use it on a network that do not transmit sensitive data or provides access to a mission critical system.

We take no responsibility for any data loss, so test it only on non-mission critical networks

After the testing period, of about two months, you are absolutely free to keep the device and do whatever you like with it. You may also expect a small bounty for being helpful in the process. I am not going to announce details, but will make sure to put a smile on your face, and a warm welcome to GridCoin Community.


The device you are about to get is going to perform a function of a wireless repeater. This is what we want to pack as a main product. Besides of that, the device is also going to run a small node that support scientific research network. We want to obtain an objective opinion if the device is capable to meet the expectations of average consumer while performing tasks to support the network. This is crucial in order to determinate if we can go out and try to ship this as a product, making no profit out of it, but supporting the network.

This is what you will get, along with the USB power cable.


How to participate?

Drop your email and steemit username to stefan at gridcoins dot org

If you have access to Slack, you can contact me there as well, or any other member of the TeamGridcoin Slack, or GridPI project.

Have in mind that only a few devices will be shipped.
Your help is highly appreciated. We may also benefit from you taking the device on visible place and sharing your photos.

By participating in this, you are directly helping science.

Thanks for supporting science!

Updates in post:


I would also love to get one! Just sent you the email...

Received, thanks mate. We will pick testers once the forking issue is solved.

Yes, the fork issue is a nightmare! We probably need a new update to refuse connections to non updated nodes...

Agree, but that makes another issue. We have some distros, such as Ubuntu 17.10 missing latest packages (at least yesterday i checked last time), so that will open up another issues. But definitely something needs to be done.

I will try not to act smart before I read the whole code to know it by heart, especially after a hard core "debate" yesterday on Slack :)


Thanks @joshoeah , if everything goes well in testing phase, we will definitely be in need for custom packing, user manual and a ton of other works. At the moment, it's not critical on how it looks like until we prove it can serve it's purpose. Anyhow, you already did a lot!

Glad to be apart of the project! Can't wait to begin moving into this testing phase.

If you need funds for any bounties, I can provide some.

Thanks, that's helpful. Although the bounty from me (apart form free device) is not going to be large one, you can do send some GRC directly to testers once they publish their results in their steemit posts. I think that adds transparency, as well introduce new users how our community works.

Great project and wish I could help (didn't see the rep requirement until after I submitted my username). Still willing to help in anyway possible and good luck with your project!

No worries @unoplank, if you don't qualify for this one, there will be another one. Just to explain, the rep part is there so the testing can't be manipulated. Please continue following GRC community work, help whenever you feel like you can, and we will for sure help you build your reputation, as the other guys from the community with much better one, helped me to build mine.

how about us old time gridcoiners?

Why not. But important is, that device needs to be tested as a wireless repeater only. So during the testing phase, no messing with device.

If we can't get a real-life results that it's capable of running as repeater without performance degradation for an average user, the project is not going to benefit. So we need people who will not 'tweak' the processes, just use it without thinking much of what Boincing happens at the device in background.

But have in mind, we do require a reputation above 35 here. (In order to ensure transparency). However, i'll try to get few devices outside of scope of testing for our internal use.

im almost 35. can an I still join? those you know. out of scope testing

Yes, you can submit details. I don't think we should have a hard limit, just enough to show that users are real and active, not multiple accounts and similar.

Looks very nice. Just sent you e-mail.
I'm in Gridcoin, but as I see from your other comment that's possible to take part in giveaway for old time gridcoiners (but also I'm not old time, I would better say - newbie)

Thanks flodner, I got your contact.

For the purpose of transparency, I am going to update post before sending devices, with list all the accounts who showed an interest to as a thank you. All these usernames will be discussed on slack, on whom to send, and, again for the purpose of transparency it's not going to be chose by myself.
(This is just for all interested who would like to know how it will works, so i used this comment to explain).

Thanks again for your contact, it will be included in our slack discussion. I guess, that most likely accounts will be selected randomly. But rest assured that if first phase goes well, we will have a very cheap GRC/Boinc based product available everywhere.

I do expect to have first group of testers shipped with devices within two weeks. Devices are ready, what's left is to create user manual, do some graphic printing, and small finalization to a project called 'paper wallet', that will get shipped along with the devices for all the testers.

!!! Hope to try it all !!! An official paper wallet is such a great idea too !!!
Big up guys, and if I can help with any graphics in the manual, just hit me up.

Mate, come to slack. It's a great community, and everybody is doing something. The collaboration between project is just great. I'm still relatively new, but so far, there I meet a lot of quality people there.

Ok, I see, I'm also on Slack and Discord, but I'm not so often visiting, as here on Steemit there is also a lot of good info, communication about GRC.
What is the price of it? may be I can buy it? (I.e. with GRC)

@flodner Thanks for interest. This is testing just so we can confirm that It could work at acceptable level. If everything goes well, the device will be available at the very cheap price (of manufacturing only), and of-course it will be offered to be bough with GRC. The reason why we are not offering it yet for purchase, is because it could easy happen that performance will be degraded, that can lead to negative marketing for Gridcoin. I will definitely made a post with all community members that expressed an interest. Rest assured that I will update you if we confirm that the device can operate it's purpose with boincing in background without impacting user experience.

This project looks interesting and I'd love to participate. Email sent.

Thanks @j4y

This is really cool. I hope it takes off. I'd love to participate, but I've been going for GRC for a couple years now.

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