Collection of killer info from a voat poster just before the site went down again! Thank God people who have experienced True History are wiling to share it

in #greygardens4 years ago (edited)

This is some info I gathered while I was talking to a very knowledgeable Voat Poster.
Not necessarily in order as this was some of the most amazing info I have seen and I've been doing deep dives for about 5 years now. I felt like I learned more in a weekend than in all 5 years!

When I noticed on the last evening I could no longer access Voat when I went over to share another article on Devon Archer and Hunter Biden. . .Voat was down. I thought maybe it was just on my end, but no, it's down and remained down the next morning.

The last time they had a major DoS attack was during the Nicole Junkerm*n stage where people were researching her. If not familiar see sources below because the family's history of which she married into goes deep And she was known to fly alone on Epstein's plane to discuss business deals, had her hands in the Pie everywhere including Google, Sports and now the National Healthcare of the UK.

I was only able to copy one of my searches in relations to his connections as I wasn't aware during the weekend it was all going to go down. We have been warned to Always archive so wishing I would have. At any rate did archive the one related to Voodoo and Harris and Whoa!

That you do so well.

"She recalled her growing up in a family of Scottish origin which practiced voodoo"

If the anons only knew how relevant this is. Think Haiti. Think "Kamala" (Voodoo name) Harris"

What are the two most prevalent Western names in Voodoo? Wilson and Harris

Harris wrote the book.

Adrenochrome like poison from fish and sea pansies used in Voodoo rituals to create zombies.

Hillary and Bill were literal consecrated by the High Priest in Haiti.

Halloween is a Voodoo (and Hoodoo) ritual.

The mayor of Chicago? Voodoo witch

Hillary, Oprah, Naomi Campbell and Marina..........Voodoo Queens

I believe the person being referred to for growing up in a fam of Scottish Origins was Sally Quinn
I had put in the following video the info on her and her husband who was considered the Newspaper man, Ben Bradlee, her former boss at The Washington Post, until his death in 2014. They married on October 20, 1978.

Sally and her husband are the ones who purchased Grey Gardens and renovated it. Now if you hear the story and look at the history of Little Edie, Big Edie. . .you will find the neighbors and those in power around them were trying to get the Edie's out of their home because health officials claimed it was a health hazard.

Hear more of their story here and see other connecting articles in Sources.

The Quinn information that is key has to do with Sally's father who worked for the forerunner to the C_ called the
Lt. General William Wilson "Buffalo Bill" Quinn (November 1, 1907 to Sept. 11, 2000.
Buffalo Bill played key role in the transition of the United States' intelligence service from the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA).
Buffalo Bill was what some of the threads revolved around because TC had a Great Deal of info on him and Wilson.

Quinn's book an
Screen Shot 2020-11-04 at 7.40.16 AM.png
d info on mother

The Quinn and Grey Gardens story is highlighted and woven through the middle of this video.
Under 13 min and covers the Eery and the Creepy concerning JFKjr and Montauk as he vacationed there on that island when he was 12 years old with his sister and cousins. All verified.

It's been a long road! The Montauk Connection! Have you seen the Script? JFKjr life and times.

This was my response on the first drop of info
I have no more words for Incredible or phrases for Mind blowing. ..likely already used mind bender.
I had NO Idea about the Harris connection but I do get the Voodoo connect to Haiti as got thrown a lot of shade and hate for daring to talk about this

So learning a Ton because of you! Thank you! No one else has all this info and connects.
Starting to feel that I've learned more this last weekend than I've learned in the last 5 years where I did what I felt God wanted me to do when I asked Him to show me the truth. . .He's been showing me!

Okay, I find two things I find BIG at least to me because I wasn't aware of the name of this. . .though I know there is a Caesar's Palace in Vegas and I can't remember how far it is from their literal alter (the Luxor) and I feel that I should remember because I've stayed there a long time ago.

Harrahs Voodoo Lounge in Kansas City. Connected to Caesars which I assume is a casino boat for to make their off land gambling legal.
You will let me know if that's not the case.
Okay, Kansas City. Went there Just a few years ago for a wedding and visited that military base there.
I know a Lot goes on in KC because I used to fly into there for College while my dad still worked at the Lab in NM.

The hoodoo empire of Walsh Harris' Voodoo Village, (a fenced compound of brightly colored houses and signs in deep South Memphis) Home to a variety of artistic and intellectual practitioners. Rumors of Animal Sacrifices and Strange Masonic Rituals Make Voodoo Village One of the Most Enduring Legends of Haunted Memphis ...

In the 1960s, a self-ordained Baptist minister named Wash “Doc” Harris began to develop a compound on his property in Memphis, Tennessee. The idea was for this compound to be a center for spiritual healing, and he named it “St. Peter’s Spiritual Temple.”

Something like these names and even that of magicians always caught mine and I'm sure others attention growing up, but it's as if everyone around you including those you trust start to teach you Not to see connections or at the very least to disregard them and go on your merry way. .."enjoy the show M," they would say, stop asking questions or "you think too much."

Now I wish I would have stayed awake later pondering things and even More time in the library when they all tried to get me out of there to do what "normal people do" on weekends.

So because of you I come upon this. . .

Looking up images to get more info because I know Nothing about it.
Getting this
From the Spanish Main to Main Street U.S.A. : "Dead Man's ...
And I see her with the queen so clearly a part of what the cabal has been trying to further and signal

Naomie Harris Left Buckingham Palace with a Little Gift from the Queen
I see a red dress. ..which is used in All sorts of their symbolism and I assume a metal amulet that has to do with their coat of arms or something.
You will know better than I do when you see it, or likely have already seen it.

States > Naomie Harris is nominated for a best supporting actress Oscar for her role in Moonlight. . .

I see she's been in Dead Man's Chest and At World's End from Pirates of the Caribbean and every time I even hear Caribbean I think of Carris Island.
I have never seen these movies. Likely saw parts of their first one with my girls when they were younger and felt they shouldn't be watching them.

I was considered a helicopter parent, more awake than plenty of other moms, but now I KNOW Not awake enough when my girls were younger!
Thankful for all that God did protect us from.

Looks like Harris played the voodoo witch in that series.
Even the name Calypso.
a nymph in Greek mythology, who lived on the island of Ogygia

I know you likely already know this, but Whoa!

Calypso's name is from καλύπτω (kalyptō), meaning "to cover", "to conceal", "to hide", or "to deceive"
her name means "concealing the knowledge"

the story of Odysseus and Calypso has some close resemblances to the interactions between Gilgamesh and Siduri in the Epic of Gilgamesh in that "the lone female plies the inconsolable hero-wanderer with drink and sends him off to a place beyond the sea reserved for a special class of honoured people" and "to prepare for the voyage he has to cut down and trim timbers."

I don't know, sort of sounds like who Epstein was in cahoots with for years in order to collect blackmail for his handlers.

Well, this isn't Creepy or anything!

TC0 states,
Junior and Junior Too

I layed out a diatribe months ago about the association between the word Hunter and Archer and how the God of Names would bring them together.

Cupid as symbol


Arjuna The Hunter/Archer

See 'Archer" from Adult Swim

See the Archer in Hunger Games...................the name of the training process for satanic families children.

The Wilson Menace

Dennis was a menace, but Mr. Wilson only pretended to not like him.

In that same library, given nearly equal reverance (Lilly Library) are the papers of Woodrow Wilson.

besides Brian and Rita, note Robert ANTON Wilson and his actor brother who housed zombies in The Walking Dead series.

You can Google Wilson/Satanic Dynastic Families and there they are.

Wilson controlled the first sports monopoly. Sports equipment.

Sports is part of The Spectacle.

Hence the soccer ball.

Now, as for 'Wilson's bloody face.

Think Frazzledrip

The theme of the movie: No man in an island, you're supposed to do it for the team or you'll be stranded without a paddle.

Fits the Bill
Bungalow Bill was said to be written after a conversation with a Great White Hunter at a highly aristocratic party.

The handler to John was Yoko who was Frankfurt trained (Sit. Int).

Her Yakuza banker father sold out the Japanese to the International Bankers.

She was mk'd and sent into the Soho Art world.

Yes drummer Alan White introduced her to the New York rock scene.

Paul's handler was Mal Evans. The Evans family have run the 6th fleet for 7 generations. The 6th acts independently.

Indiana connect again..............Indiana Senator Evan Bayh's REAL first name is EvanS Bayh on his birth certificate.

His grandmother, an Evans married a Hollingsworth who owned the naval ship yards in Virginia.

Mal was a programmer/handler extraordinaire.

For an even more interesting story............see "Magic Alex"/Apple/Beatles

Fun with the "Name Game".

Buffalo Bill

Remember also that Buffalo Bill was the name of the freak in Silence of the Lambs.

Wondering where the site was where the Beatles pic was taken.

Lennon met with Jagger at Montauk and the Stones recorded there.

Thought I'd add a tidbit about Manson that might interest you.

His first task upon release was to visit a couple of people who owed the Prison Songwriting Industry some royalties.

Think about what I just said. What better pool to draw from for song ideas? Plenty of free time, lots of stories and insight.

Charlie was placed in a cell with the B.M.O.C. of the prison, Alvin Karpas of Ma Barker Gang fame. The reason was two fold.

Alvin was a decent guitar player and he taught Charlie music and how to play guitar.

The Scientologists had him incorporate chanting and vocal ideas, repetition and such to induce a hypnotic trance state he used to help program and entertain the Family. He also ran them through 'acting' drills, to allow disassociation and this was one reason the Ranch was chosen as it was used as a movie set.

Terry Melcher, son of Doris Day, owed the mob money for songs...........and perhaps Brian Wilson as well and that explains that.

Wilson was mk'd as a scion of a Satanic Dynastic family. See Tom Hanks wife and his soccer ball friend Wilson.

Brian came and watched my band play once and sat in the front row. It was a little distracting.

Ahead of his time
Mellencamp is also from Indiana.

The Stranger Things show is set in Indiana.

Do I think they know about the Great Reset? Absolutely

Looks like Charlie Manson was ahead of his time, with his Helter Skelter race war and Age Bigotted SJW gang he called The Family.

Charlie was a product of Indiana reform schools.

Became the warden's "Best Boy" and was taken under wing by the mobster elite while in prison.

Abused by the warden and others, compartmentalized, and programmed.

Then trained to program others by Scientologists in prison.

Released illegally "on a string", allowed to travel to California where John Phillips and Co. would have "gentle people waiting for you there".

California dreaming.

Hooking up with handler Col. Tate, satanic horror 'actress' Sharon's father (scions of the Tate art family).

When the internet was brand new, and there were no search al gore rhythms :), I discovered that one of the Tate's was named Larry Tate and his wife was named Tabitha. (Bewitched) "Write what you know." (Wicca is behind Advertising (Darren's job that SAMantha (the devil) always ended up helping with.)

Tate was working with Michael Aquino in Psy Ops out of Presidio air force base where they were creating child sleepers out of a day care center.

Satanic pedo druggie coven that included the Tates/Sebring/Folgers/LaBiancas/Polanski covered their tracks with the FAKED event that was the Day The Music Died.

Helter Skelter ( a child's slide ride at a carnival) was Code for the Great Reset.

R.E.M and Co.
I very briefly met R.E.M when they recorded an album while staying at the home of John Mellencamp who is also a Satanic whore.

He was hipped to The Great Reset and plans for depopulating the planet as his album title

"Nothing really matters and what if it did." would suggest.

It's now an illusory dreamworld and we're in a Deep State...............of R.E.M..

Musical Clews
Amen to all.

I like to poke fun with Luciferians and even lowly Satanists, telling them that apparently Crowley's discovery of how the Tarot deck had two cards reversed was still a secret to most of their order.

Meaning they have been practicing it wrong for quite some time.

This 'automatic writing' that supposedly revealed this to Crowley, he called The Book Of The Law and it establish him over Mathers and others as the Grand Poobah of the Order.

This book currently resides on a Golden Circle, within a confluence of leylines, where resides a statue of Lillith in Bloomingon Indiana, home of the Lillith Festival.......her counterpart being Prometheus at the Circle at Rockefeller Center in N.Y.

In a building that is a one third reproduction of the Reichstag building and is called The Lilly Library, named after the pharma giant, Eli Lilly who created a huge supply of LSD, and then opioids.

Epi pens and we know what goes into that. Etc. Bush Sr. sat on the board.

The two cards reversed? "Tsaddi/Tzaddi is NOT The Star" ___ Aleister Crowley

The deck was said to have been altered to keep the secrets from 'The Profane".

Therefore, from the time this was done, until Crowley's discovery, the Cabal had been practicing Bad Magic and still does to this day.

So I say, "The Magick Is Weak"

The Star is 17.


Divine Inspiration

In it's PROPER PLACE and it does NOT belong to the Cabal. They are the enemy of Divine Inspiration.

Q says "Throw down your snake"..............with help from top tier "Wizards and Warlocks"......essentially beating them over the head with their own severed arm.

My own 'card symbol' is The Fool................which doesn't really reside in the arcana, but acts as the "Wild card/Joker" that can upset the best of hands and win the pot.

It too is Divine Inspiration that resides between the two towers......the two thieves on the cross.....dualism.............Traditional Code rendered back to Zero.

It's a dangerous place to be on the edge of the cliff with a 'Little Nipper' at your heels, but that's where the truth lies.

The Circus and The Circuit
Thanks for the great reply and links.

Didn't know about the jfk jr vid info.

Good stuff

I'll get back after checking out your links.

The Circus and The Circuit
I find that story beyond fascinating and of huge import.

Thank you very much for the links.

I'm in agreement with you on Pence.

Have heard the rumors and know a couple of things.

I'll take a good hard look at your link.

Remember when Pence went to the play called "Hamilton" on Broadway?

Since the play was a disastrous excuse to present Hamilton as a gay hero......why did "Christian" Pence attend?

Here's another connected story for you.

I had a job driving limousines once. As a driver, sometimes you can become a fly-on-the-wall.

Shall I tell you of my experience of sharing a weekend with Edgar Bronfman Sr. and Rahm Emmanuel?

I'll save that.

Instead, I'll tell you of the time I had a "Kingmaker" in my car. \

As we drove through Indiana, he decided to call the black female Attorney General of that state.

Her name was Pam.

(Hello?) Pam there by any chance?

(No sorry, she isn't in her office and won't be available today.)

Oh.....well this is (Mr. Kingmaker)....and........oh...Hi Pam.......

(He was obviously on speaker phone and she must have dived over the desk to pick up the phone when she heard who it was)

"Oh, okay I guess........uh huh..........oh I know.....You always hear how thick the "Hamiltonians" are here, but you have to see it for yourself to believe it."

I've had to educate Shriners as to what their little monkey hats mean (fez).......and they always laugh of course.

That's why they are weaker than they think. The thinking is weak in the minions.

I thought of writing a book I was going to call "Hidden Hoosier History" after doing research into it, but decided against.

Thanks again !


Musical Clews
Mitch Ryder's name wasn't Mitch Ryder.

The Ryder is the Devil With A Blue Dress On.

The Ryder is "CC". 33

(invert the second 'C' get the vesica pisces) many artists recorded the song called "CC Ryder/Rider" ?

Clews to the labyrinthe

The Circus and The Circuit

I sent a few tidbits to David while he was in the process of writing this.

I'm tempted to start my own, taking up where he left off, and also going further back in time.

The entire entertainment industry is a continuation of the Roman circus, with those same families STILL running the show, now with more than just three 'rings'. When Rome went down, the 'Romani' circus families loaded up the wagons and we get them as historic 'gypsies'.

Still carnies of one sort or another. Darker races tended to work the circus. To this day, much of it is handled by The Black Boule.

I have first hand knowledge/experience with the Boule Master of my state.

Sigma Pi Phi being the fraternity, with female headed gryphon (Anubis) guarding the secrets with her paw as symbol.

You don't work any major venue without going through either the Boule or the Shriner's Royal Order Of Jesters.

Cab Calloway was a Boule Master as is Herbie Hancock today. Quincy Jones.

All promotional companies and agents connect. William Morris et al.

If you have a foot fetish, you'd work at a shoe store.

Who runs Children's Hospitals?


I'll tell you a secret.

I once snuck into the Marat Temple in my state capital. Made my way into the Master's office.

Rifled through some papers and found a note to "our brothers in the tower"......

This was in reference to the Scottish Rites Masonic Tower along the same meridian blocks away.

Because the shriners are "Syrian"....arabic....hence the 'fez' (research fez/occult) ....and joined with the Templars centuries ago to create a Hegelian front........shadow government that has existed since the Babylonian Brotherhood began.

It's 'modern' telling involves The Old Man of the Mountain......Hassan (Hussein) i Sabbah.

The first mk master who supplied both 'sides'.

Most powerful man of his time. Actually............a Cabal.

Of Kabbalists.

And now..........for something interestingly connected.

Betty Boop was 'Boule'.........the symbol of the wayward subject.

Symbols many can you identify?

mk'd female 'stars' are called "Cocobots". CC is 33. CoCo.

See Coco Chanel story.........and the symbols of Chanel.

The mk'd assassin is called a Ghola or Golem.

Bear with me, I go random a lot, but it all connects.

The sea pansy produces a toxin very similar chemically to adrenochrome.

Can you spot the fed Clown with Betty's clown friend, Coco/Koko?....the Ghola......the adrenochrome being manufactured.......the pansy this?

Boule means 'ball' in French. Or breadball.

It comes from the Masked Ball of the Aristocrats............with Boule providing entertainment.

'Bread' and circus.

I know a lot about the circus. My family once owned Cole Brothers Circus. Google it.

A Bush and a Lear
The Harrimans and the Bush families were (as well as Hinkley fam) joined at the hip.

Hinkley and Bush families have been in business for 6 generations.

The Reagan assass. "Fall Guy"'s father was head of the Mormon Church when that all went down but MSM didn't seem to care.

Harrimans were all about railroads and then finance.

Controlled politicians as a boss.

Norma Lear is an American television writer and producer who produced many 1970s sitcoms such as All in the Family, Sanford and Son, One Day at a Time and its 2017 remake, The Jeffersons, Good Times, and Maude.

Enough said.

Fits the Bill
If Apple didn't come from Magic Alex's Apple....then why did it take a lawsuit to separate them? LMAO

Computers were to be 'the next big thing'.

The Apple as symbol. With a bite/byte taken out of it.

David McGowen does a pretty good job describing how the multi-track 'sound-on-sound' recorder/player was brought back as nazi booty.

They had been used to graft 'deep fake' audio counterfeits to be presented as original.

In those days, big bands recorded music with one room mic and 100 takes to get it right and that was painstaking.

Once the potential of the multi-track was seen by the Situationists......they knew they could control the future industry with a leg up.

So prototypes were given to pirate family scions like John Phillips in the Bahamas..........of the "Mamas and Papas"

Interviewer: "Charlie, why did you bother with the Bobby Bouseleil thing?"

Charlie: Because there are two kinds of people in this world, there are mamas and there are papas, and I was being Bobbie's papa."

Bing Crosby was a blueblood. David Crosby. Bing got one.

The mob wanted one to put fake audio onto porn so Frank Zappa helped with that until he got busted by vice.

Frank's father was Air Force M.I. chemical warfare as was his neighbor buddy Don Van (Beefheart) Vliet's father.

So the Beatles ended up buying a Greek Island from Alex or someone anyway and'll have to follow the story for's a hoot.

Alex's "Magic Box" fiasco reminds me of the Howard Hughes story with his Spruce Goose.

It's a Red distract from what all that money REALLY went into.

It's a secret that they all fought over later.

See: Robert Anton Wilson/Eris Apple/Principia Discordia

And away we go...........:)

Buffalo Bill
It introduces the possibility that Bungalow Bill is Buffalo Bill Wilson.

my fav music vid on Youtoob

That you do so well.
I see you found Naomi Harris as Calypso.

And Harris in Memphis. Good job.

It's a third Harris who is the Voodoo authority.

Calypso is rendered as chaos in the feminine form and she is paired in the Pirates of the Carribean movies with a character thinly disguised as Cthulhu, who is basically the same.

(H.P. Lovecraft - Cabal 'prophet'/mythmaker/sci fi writer)

The blue-bloods let the blacksheep of the families run the pirate business, doing the dirty work, and eventually the pirate families took the reigns altogether while the aristocrats had a Ball.

To this day, the U.S. is under British Admiralty Law (tassels on the flag), at least the courts, with their 'docket' and bar...........ship terms.

The pirate was the first Intelligence network........learning multiple languages and cultures.....acting as translators, diplomats.....stealing/trading tech/goods.

Cornering the markets on both.

Raiding towns and running them as a shadow government.

Spending so much time with natives..............spreading disease........trafficking.............drugs.............rum..............and following local customs and/or by desperation, eating human flesh and calling it 'long pork'.

Any pirate with the name "Long" attached meant he was a cannibal. Ala "Long John Silver"

Great job fetching that info, you're awesome.


Connecting article here,
Where do you really exist? Is Bill Nye really a Scientist? What was Stanley Kubrick trying to tell people about the moon landing? What was Hollywood used for during World War II

An interesting post with questions and connects here from Great Guardian/Warrior Terri Hanauer-Brahm

Anton LaVey

More connecting articles on other Satanists and "Scientists"

Who were Aleister Crowley, Anton LaVey, Michael Aquino and L. Ron Hubbard? How do they all connect? How does Epstein's ranch in New Mexico tie into what some would call a cult?



More connecting sources and info

I have received a Second Strike on my Youtube channel even though I only tell vetted and verified information with Sources (many include their very own Mainstream Media Sources) but even That is not enough for them.

Within a 2 week span I received in a row, a warning, then 2 strikes for Old Videos with Verified Information provided.

I also pay a subscription fee for Youtube Red and have endured for over 4 years their harassment.

I have not received the same rights as others even though I am a paying customer.

Here is the evidence.

Last time I was not allowed to upload for a week, now I cannot upload for 2 weeks.

Can't be a mistake this has happened Right before and During the election on this platform, Facebook (not allowed to post for a month there for trying to upload Verified Biden evidence and history) and Twitter canned me over 3 years ago for telling Sergey Brin and his ex's True History.

As you can see, I appeal and Nothing on their end.
My dad told me life wasn't fair, it seems like it Just isn't FAIR if you are on the side of TRUTH!

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