Eli Dicken heroics.
I just got out of a firearm course, specifically handguns, that was held at an indoor range that I hadn't been to before.
I know that, if I try to run the Dicken drill at this point, I'll either get really lucky or be embarrassed. I can hit from forty yards with my 1911; but, I'm not gonna hit a moving target eight out of ten times from that distance.
The thing that still baffles me after learning of Dicken's heroics, is that most indoor ranges aren't even equipped for the Dicken drill.
If you want to practice shooting a target at forty yards, most ranges will only have that available for the rifle range. Most pistol ranges only go to about twenty-five to thirty yards.
I mean, it makes sense, even particularly experienced shooters can't reliably hit from forty yards with a handgun.
Still, that just makes what Eli Dicken did all that more impressive.