Green Screen Lab - Green Screen Lab Review
Green Screen Lab, Green Screen Lab Review
1)Training :- Learn how to setup your home studio, record videos and how to edit them for best results
In Green Screen Lab you’ll learn everything you need to know about green screen so you can build your own home studio and start creating high converting videos. This is a complete step by step course going from the most cost effective green screen setups to background removal and placing yourself anywhere in the world without the need to travel.
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2)Backgrounds :- 160 professional virtual sets. Each one has motion elements to make them look highly realistic
3)FREE Software:- Free editing software and tutorials on how to use it. No more fees on expensive tools to edit your videos. We’ve also included the free video editing software that we're using to edit our videos, and we teach you how to use it to get the best results. How about that? No more fees on expensive tools to edit your footage.
NOTE: The software is similar to Sony Vegas, Premiere Pro or Camtasia. This is not an animation video creator.
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