Green Marketing - Gustavo Copelmayer
Some may disagree with the term green marketing for turning nature into a commercial product. However, its origins date back to the last 10 years of the XX century. It was then that some awareness began to appear in societies about the importance of caring for mother nature, recalls Gustavo Copelmayer.
Those were the years in which people began to talk about the acid rain and the ozone layer. This surge towards green issues and the vision of some brands that took advantage of this impulse to impact the mindset of consumers, was the opportunity to create the concept of “green marketing”, says Gustavo Copelmayer.
"The marketing of products that are shown as environmental can be applied to various possibilities such as the modification of products, changes in production processes and also in sustainable packaging and parcels", says Gustavo Copelmayer.
Green marketing is not limited to modifying the focus of buying products and services, says Gustavo Copelmayer, what it seeks is to challenge old ways of thinking and doing things by offering a substantially different perspective. At this point, it is not a mere fashion, it can be said that the model of society is changing towards a growing trend in enhancing the eco-sustainable mentality of humans as a way to preserve life and change the status quo.
This paradigm shift starts from production of ecological products to the improvement of processes in order to reduce polluting emissions derived from urban production or mobility. In conclusion, Gustavo Copelmayer indicates, that ecological marketing, far from being a trend, is a significant strategy since brands want to associate their image with environmental campaigns and citizens want an ecologically responsible business community.