in #greel6 years ago

I went through one of HARV EKER'S training, and felt I should share from what I learnt from his training.
T. Hav Eker is a business man; he made his early success from retail fitness store, he founded his company called Peak Potential Training where venture as a motivational speaker,he is an author of many books ; including
Secrets of the Millionaire Mind which appeared on the New York Times bestseller list and was #1 on the Wall Street Journal’s business-book list.
He has also written a self-published book titled Speed Wealth. He also the convener of from Zero to a millionaire.

In this blog, I will share his millionaire thought process and the needful to be at the top. Let ride.
When it comes to creating wealth and reaching high levels of success, there are only a few rules and principls that you need to consistently follow to get there. However, if you don't get good guidiance from someone who has successfully done it before,if you end up taking incorrect actions, you will find yourself struggling to reach the level of wealth and success you desire.
Therefore,when it comes to creating wealth and reaching high levels of success, there are only few rules and principls that you need to consistently follow to get there.

    So many of us spend our lives waiting for our big break. We think that if we just put our heads down, work hard, and do the right things, eventually someone will hand over the keys to our success. If you want to create a real success in your life, you need to believe that you are the one creating your own life. And on the flip side, that you are the one who creates any mediocrity or financial struggle . That may sound harsh, but if you look at it the right way, it's actually empowering. This is because, if it could be said that you are responsible for your own failure, then you are capable of changing your life for better. This how wealthy people see the world and it's one of the reasons for their success. Most middle class and broke people see things very differently. Instead of consciously creating their lives, they see life as something that happens to them, instead of "for" them.
    So, before you can try to do something else,it's time to take control. When you believe that you can create the life you desire, rather than waiting for good things to happen to you, you will be putting be yourself on the fast track to wealth and success.
    This may not make a lot of sense at first,but picture a tree in an orchard any kind of tree he says. This tree you are imagining represents your life. In life, all of our actions will eventually have some kind of results. In other words, your tree will someday bear fruit. But the question is, what kind of fruit? Will it be juicy, crispy or sweet? Or will the fruit of your labor be disappointing and bitter?
    Most of us will like the juicy, sweet fruit-the successful results. So, if you want a tree to produce more and better fruit, what do you do? You go back to the roots.
    You can't change the fruit that's already produced, but you can make tomorrow's fruit sweeter. You just have to nuture the parts hidden under the ground, knowing that eventually, your efforts will affect the entire system of the plant. Life is the same way. If you aren't getting the results you want, it's important to make sure you're focusing on the real problem, not the end result. Focus on the invisible in order to change the visible.

The truth still remains that, most people have trouble stepping outside their comfort zone. When we hit a road block or an obstacle, we assume that we are doing something wrong. But nothing could be further from the truth. Instead of retreating back to old, familiar territory, try taking a different approach. If you are feeling uncomfortable, challenged, or discouraged. That means you're growing.
Even if it doesn't feel like you're making progress, the fact that you're moving outside your comfort zone means you are moving forward. Many of us envision success as a straight line, a road from point "a" to point "b" but in reality, the road to success is filled with unexpected twists and turns. Being able to accept and adapt to them is one of the major factors in actually achieving any big goal in life.
So, the next time you fell lost, or confused, or just a little out of your depth, remember it's actually a good thing to try things that make you uncomfortable.

    young-woman-wearing-in-climbing-equipment-standing-in-front-of-a-stone-rock-outdoor-achieve-success-and-increase-wealth-potential-gt (1).jpg
    Have you ever met the kind of person who can't seem to stop complaining about everything that is going on in his/ her life? You probably have.Did that person seem happy, or did they seem absolutely miserable?
    It is an unconscious trap we all fall into sometimes, but it's a habit you must break if you want to reach your goals in life. Here's why: when you are complaining or negative, what are you focusing on -What is right in your life or what's wrong in your life? The answer is what's wrong in your life. So, if what you focuses on expands, then what are you going to get more of in life? The answer is still what's wrong in your life . It is as simple as that.
    Instead of looking for reasons why everything is wrong, commit to looking at what's right by really focusing on your goals in a new and more dedicated way, you will find new roads opening up that you never would have noticed before.
    It's time to be straight, and answer to this question may make you cringe. But how often do you start projects and never finish them? So often, we hear from people who starts new programs, who set goals for themselves and then never follow through. Finishing what you start is more important that you might think, and it comes down to one word "INTEGRITY". And that also involves being honest with yourself. But basically, it involve being whole and complete as a person. When you don't keep your word to your self, it feels bad . When you don't complete what you set out to do, it can shake your confidence and make you feel like there's no real path to your goals. It's easy to get stuck on a loop of bad habit and turn it into a self reinforcing cycle if you are not careful. On the other hand, when you do whatever it takes to keep your word to yourself, that confidence will spill over into every area of your life. It's a simple matter of self discipline. It takes some practice and hard work, but in the end, it's the only way to reach the goals you set for yourself. This is one of the major ways you can own your life, achieve success and increase wealth potential.
    In my next blog, I will write out the remaining 5 tip for wealth and succes.


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