
in #greatreset3 years ago

Famine, financial ruin and death loom and since March 2020, and way before, I have warned of this.

All I have forseen has come to fruition.

Worse is on the near horizon.

And in this time, I regret to say, that not one person in my personal physical circle has listened to me - preferring to defer to dodgy experts, corrupt leaders and foolish herd mentality.

And I am broken hearted.

Our lives have been diminished by a thousand paper cuts and our enemy is preparing to deal their final blow.

They scheme to crash the global economy and leave us impoverished.

Through this further manufactured evil we will be rendered useless - unable to purchase food, pay mortgages, loans or utilities as hyper inflation brings ruin to us all.

They will steal everything and demoralised, sick through gene therapy, poisoned food/water, loneliness, despair and stress, we will be easy to pick off.

Then they will bribe us with food, shelter and faux freedoms in return for complete subservience and acceptance of their conveyor belt injected poisons, smart cities and draconian will.

Before last year, I believed in my fellow man and felt sure of their intelligence and courage. I erroneously thought they would rise against evil in significant numbers and crush the minority masters when they made their move.

Rise Up.JPG

Alas, most have brains smaller than my peas! They fell for transparent lies and propaganda, refusing to see the fake pandemic which was the precursor to ever greater crimes against humanity.

Of course, there are brave warriors amongst us who valiantly oppose the great reset and satanic elite, but most are weak seedlings - unfit to be called human! They cower and comply and believe by doing so they will be left alone - they will not! They, like you and me, are useless feeders to be despatched, their assets seized and their bones crushed to dust and scattered on toxic winds.

My heart aches.

Never would I have believed the stupidity and lack of fire in the belly of the collective.

And so, I weep for humanity and am ashamed for the children who will be heinously abused, murdered and, those deemed useful, enslaved.


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