RE: Expand your thinking! From Project Q Sydney. Qubits in the human brain? You decide! Remember the conspiracy theorist Noah and those cubits God gave him? What has been done below your feet through Silent Running?
Dropped on my FB feed 5.3.2023
God Spark? Genesis 1:27 KJV
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Check out the TRUE history and why YOU are deemed important! Junk DNA my arse! Why do you suppose they Told you that and still try to Lie to the populace? You know why, deep down you Know Why!
Is consciousness PHYSICS? What if you found out it is part of Quantum Physics? What is the Missing Piece? What are the attributes of Physics? Do people experiment with them and create from the physics they Do Know? How about cause and reaction? What IF the same scenario for physics Exists in that there are Laws of Consciousness just as there are Laws of Physics? Mind Blowing? BOOM BOOM BOOM 💥💥💥 Check out reply if not familiar with this concept yet.
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