Gratitudeday41 appreciating God even when I’m so sick and down for hours
God my creator is always worthy to be praise always. And I must praise him even when I’m so sick and can’t do anything, I mean when I’m so down.
Thanks to @tojukaka for the days of gratitude still going on, and I’m so privilege to write in appreciating my Hod for the gift of life, and in anticipating of getting better and stronger before the day break.
My beleive is by tomorrow morning, I shall receive total healing, and I shall stand firmly to continue of the way of life.
I’m so greatful for still keeping my life, relatives, family and friends. Even when it’s like I’m down, God is still God and I’m so greatful.
so what are you greatful for? Share and let’s bless God together.
Love you all, please always pray for me for quick relief by tomorrow.
Until tomorrow, I’m @peakreal1