Gratitude Day 28/62 : A grateful day
Today is the Twenty-eighth day of gratitude day challenge organized by @tojukaka. I'm very excited about the challenge as the days go on.
Gratitude is the quality of being thankful, readiness to show appreciation for what you receive and the returned of kindness.
A big thanks to @tojukaka for this gratitude day challenge
Today I'm grateful to God for saving my life.
It was all started this morning, I woke up very early than I use to because I have so many places to go before heading to farm.
Where I want to go,its money I wanted to go and collect so I can make feed for my chicken. I have to be fast, because I still needs to branch to Feedmil and other places too.
I kicked my bike and I started moving, but at some point, there are some things that happened. On my way, as I reach a roundabout, and I wanted to turn, unknowingly a bike just come out and it was almost hit me. Luckily I was saved by that one.
I continue my journey, and after reaching the exactly place I'm going to, just to cross to the other side and pack my bike. There is a bike coming by the left and I don't even know. I almost caused an accident if not for God, I don't know how it happened. In a matter of seconds, I was shaking.
I'm very grateful today because It would have been another story.
Thanks @tojukaka for this challenge. You can also participate in the challenge
Thanks for your time and love
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