Many people seek love in the wrong places and when it is not reciprocated, they feel disappointed and probably do the wrong things because they want that attention desperately.
Love is what any man/ woman should feel and experience. It comes natural to many and some think love is a scam. The fact that you were hurt does not mean love isn't real.
The one that doubts the authenticity of love, probably does'nt know the author of love.
The Bible says that the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy ghost.
When you know the love of God, first you love His word-His son Jeaus. To love people generaly would not be a problem. People will love you in return. Love, when genuine is contagious and attracts lovable people to you.
I have loved so deeply and have been loved in the same manner.
My Gratitude
I am grateful for the love of God towards me and my love for him has made me see a light/good in people within my sphere of contact.
I am grateful that God's love in my heart made me a unique being. There can never be another me. God loves me the way I am even if someone thinks otherwise about me, it is not a big deal. God's thought towards me is the big and most important deal there ever would be.
Show some love people and you can start by loving yourself and the author of love who gives all things freely.
God's love is eternal.
My gratitude goes to @tojukaka for the thought of gratitudeday challenge, it has made me to appreciate even the little details we usually take for granted.
Thank you for reading.
In everything give thanks.
I @gloeze and I am so grateful.
God is great