Gratitude 21/62: Grateful for safety

Safety ensures us of daily dose of gratitude to our creator. Aside been alive, health which in this case is measured in terms of safety deserves a real amount or measure of gratitude.
Yesterday, I was on transit on a Commercial Tricycle. We had passed a very dangerous bridge which has beneath it Gold miners when we escaped an accident scene. Here is what really transpired:
After the bridge, a bike man had a passenger who was with a load of roofing aluminium sheet. On passing the bike man and his proposed passenger, a violent wind pushed the aluminium sheet close to where the Tricycle I boarded was at that particular instance. Instantly, the guy sitting at the position where the roofing aluminium sheet scratched the Tricycle was fast and observant. He luckily drifted and escaped injury.

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Photo Credit

Apparently, we all escape ugly situations like this at some points in life. Gratitude to God Almighty is pertinent always.
If you had mistakenly stepped on that stone and sustained injury or what if an unseen incoming car had hit you or perhaps, you just got electrocuted?
These amidst many other instances should remind us of the need to be grateful to God.

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