Grateful for This Family (GratitudeDay19)- #ULOG (27-05-2018)
There are those people in your life that make me feel really blessed. The world does seem to have it’s up and down but when you have a family that always looks out for you, you are really blessed
Seriously, it has been a great blessing having people who share the same passion and vision as you do. People who want to see lives impacted and given a meaning. This has been what we exemplify and make a focus at Streams of Grace Global Ministry.
Some stuff happened over the last two weeks and when I needed my family the most, they were there. I am really grateful for having discovered this family.
My grateful vibes go to Pastor Gabriel prosper for accepting me as part of this family. I wonder where I’d be today without that singular act.
Thanks to @tojukaka for the opportunity to do this. Though this is my first #gratitude post, I feel like I should be doing this often.
ULOG FOR 27 MAY, 2018
It was a nice day in church with the man of God telling us to go out to the world and act as the blessings that we are. I felt like he was talking to me the whole time. It's always a great time hearing God's Word.