Gratitude Day: Grateful to God for my Father's health
If God is my boss, I am totally thankful for the everyday salary called " Life".
I have never seen my Dad fall sick before while growing up as a Kid. He only visits the sick in the hospital and showers them gift as a Vicentian (St. Vincent de Paul group of the Roman Catholic Church). I was so astonished when he started complaining about a particular ailment.
Yesterday was a shocker to me after he fell on a Cushion and slept for more than 30 minutes.
We came to his aid later.
I am grateful to God for the gift of life.
Health is wealth
Everyday is an opportunity to renew our act of commitment to God in gratitude and supplication.
God's constant love and care for us all is renewable by the day and everlasting too....
God gave us 86,400 seconds have you thanked him with any?
God is love
God is merciful
God is ever faithful
Dear Lord, I am thankful for your love and enormous mercies
You remain forever faithful despite our unfaithfulness
Your words are ever refreshing and lives
You are awesome and wonderful in every way and everyday
You God all by yourself.
Thank you for your blessing us beyond imaginations.
Everyday is an opportunity to say thank you awesome God for refilling our life tank.
I am also thankful for having this awesome design of #steemchurch...I did the design o!
Other photos were culled from Pinterest