Will I be the only one that would be grateful today? Will I be the only one that would say he is grateful for Life?
Hello Everyone, I believe you're doing great. Are you conscious of the fact that you're alive right now? I believe a lot of people start their day without properly being conscious of the fact that they are special because they are alive.
Last night seemed terrible on my Facebook news feed. I saw the pictures of a very fair and beautiful girl trending while RIP was the main message in all of it. I'm sure nobody expected her to go too soon, yes we would all die one day, but almost everybody still doesn't want to die now.
While I am not trying to use her case to be thankful for my own life, it just dawned on me that just like everyone else who had fallen sick and died, I would have too. Or those that died in a car crash, I have also been in vehicles but yet I'm alive today.
Everyday there are more than a thousand ways to die and be erased from existence, but dear friend reading this now, we are alive. Doesn't it now feel so special to be alive? Doesn't it feel cool to know you're a survivor in this harsh world?
Today I am grateful for the fact that I am alive. Whether things are going on fine with me or not, I'm just glad I can breathe and move freely live a living human.