Gratitude Day 9 : Thanks To My Mirror (The Pool Of Life.)
There species happens to be the only one that can bring life to earth, they also have the ability to multiply everything that comes there way, if you give them money, you'll get wealth back, just show them little like and they'll reciprocate with a pure eternal love, they have this unrivaled attribute of taking care of there young ones, they have a multitasking ability too, There day comes up multiple times in a year and lastly at a single drop 💧 of semen give to them, you'll get a child.
No other one could have done this except a woman, they says the husband is the head of the family, guess what?, the wife is the heart, nothing functions without the heart, research have shown that some animal can survive hours or more without the head, but no living entity has ever survived without a heart, not even an alien 👽. That's to tell you how important she is.
I decided to write all these to make you see the importance of a mother, my mother, and am writing this also to praise her, the woman behind my every move. The only person I can call in the middle of the night to tell her how I feel and immediately she will stand up to the problem with adequate solutions.
I am really blessed to have her, am grateful for all your support and am letting the whole Steemiverse know of how grateful I am.