Graphics Design for BandZ I contest by @mediaworks
BandZ is a P2P extranet infrastructure protocol designed to serve a global market of smart devices. BandZ aims to redistribute the internet via decentralizing bandwidth access. BandZ enables users to share the bandwidth/internet services via blockchain technology.By sharing your internet, you can earn BandZ. These BandZ tokens can than be used to purchase internet/bandwidth and enterprise-grade security services from others peers on the network. This creates a free market in the truest and most liquid sense, where users can manage their internet use and pricing as the optimal equilibrium would dictate.
More Information & Resources:
BandZ Website
BandZ WhitePaper
BandZ Telegram
BandZ Medium
BandZ Twitter
BandZ Reddit
BandZ Linkedin
My design is based on a "bandwidth diagram" wherein the diagram forms like a mountain with a curved peak. With that, I followed its form and made many sizes variations .

My Work
I used these images in making the GIF for BandZ.

So this is the final work, a gif for BandZ.
In making the images, I used Inkscape. And for the gif, I used Wondershare Filmora.
This post has been submitted for the MediaWorks Sponsored contest!
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