Soaklahoma, Kangaroos Freeze in Australia & US Corn Assessment
This video was originally published 8/6/2019

Massive flooding due to excessive rains gave a new name to Oklahoma, and it is now termed ‘Soaklahoma’.

Even the Tulsa media used this term ‘Soaklahoma’ to describe the rain conditions that are 2.5 times the normal for May in Oklahoma. This, however, seems to be a global trend, with all these increasing rain events in different areas of the world.

Nevertheless, the story of the day has to be this article from REUTERS entitled, “Column: Corn market at risk of misunderstanding USDA’s condition scores on Monday.” That will be on June 9th. You are therefore going to see some movements in the market, that is either up or down, depending on what the inspectors who went in the fields found, and then give a forecast to in terms of the emergence and health of crops across the United States.
One set of analysis says that they might be at risk of lowballing the health of the corn crops. What does that mean?
That means that with the lowest emergence in the history of the United States, they are going to just take a small sampling sector, if you will, of the entire whole. For example, if there is 100 acres that have emerged, but 3,000 acres are behind and are not emerging at all, they are still going to use 100 acres that has emerged, as their forecast.

It was even mentioned in the article that they might have to make some subjective assumptions at this point, about the health of the crop. Again the complete inverse of the first statement is, if these observers give their statements saying that the crops looks healthy, that is going to give a false impression to the market that, that condition reflects the entire crop of corn, when in actuality it is just for 100 acres, out of the 3,000 acres.
At least we are able to get explanations in both directions in this article.

The graph below is included in this article, which is really good because it shows how much US corn emerged on June 2nd versus anything back to 1999.
The red broken lines on the left show how much corn is emerging currently, which is less than 50% of the entire crop in America, while the yellow arrow shows the worst.
Then prior to this, we had three exceptionally bad years: 1994, going back down to 1968, and then back to 1938. So, from where we stand right now, that red line is the thin red line for our food prices.

If you prefer numerical values to visualize the situation, the worst on that chart is 73% in 2011, and here we are, for this year at 46%. In addition, take note that more rain is on the way, and decimating floods are down river in Missouri, Arkansas.
Meanwhile, what does this spot-check of crop yields in the United States mean? Is it to save markets, and not to spook? Or is it to drive markets? Who knows, we have to wait until Monday to find that out.

These events, however, give you the sole responsibility to grow your own food, and a local North American delicacy, Sunchokes, could be among them. This is what foraging is all about, being able to identify and farm wild species that are nutritious; something that bandits would walk right by and not even know they are edible plants, because they look more like ornamental plants.

Mother Earth has a full rundown on how you can grow, cook, and store Sunchokes, and even how to save its seeds for future planting. What you see on the outside are incredibly beautiful yellow flowers, like this image below.

Sunchoke roots are a kind of tuber root growing underground that looks very similar to ginger. When it is cut though, a nice white flavorful mellow lush flesh inside, as shown in this image. There are hundreds of recipes for this and was widely eaten across the United States decades prior.
This used to be a major self- grown food sustenance across the United States, all the way from the Great Depression.

Moving on to reports on extreme weather conditions, Al Gore arrived in Australia right to freezing kangaroos and some of the coldest conditions ever experienced in the country, with record snows. Look at where the kangaroos are jumping around in June 5th, as the Southern Hemisphere descends from winter.

Then, over in Europe, massive cyclonic low pressure landing on the French shores. That is going to head inland, and anything standing on its way, including French crops, are going to be blown to the ground, as more than 100 miles-per-hour winds are going to blast through. As of now, they are still looking at 30 to 50 miles-per-hour winds as this thing enters Central Europe, all the way to the Czech Republic.

The image below is a close up from the same satellite, and as you can see, it is making a landfall. I am now wondering what will happen to some crops that emerged, especially in France, as this 100 miles-per-hour winds blast through their corn production.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more content like this, I produce the tri-weekly podcast Mini Ice Age Conversations, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go through your day.
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*** Today’s Story Links ***
Column: Corn market at risk of misunderstanding USDA’s condition scores on Monday
Prepare sunchokes
Bombcyclone France
Planting Issues: How to Get Out of Futures Contracts You May Not Fill
Crunch Time: 31 Million Corn Acres Unplanted
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