Oroville Dam: Will it Overtop Again

This video was originally published 19/5/2019

If you have been updating yourselves on the snowfall records across the Sierra Nevada Mountains, I am sure you are aware of the increases in the atmospheric rivers pummeling the west coast of the United States, as well as the west coast of South America. This shows that changes in terms of jet stream flows are happening in our atmosphere. Atmospheric rivers have dumped all-time record precipitation across the Sierra Nevada Mountains, all the way to the desert areas of the Four Corners area.

NOAA has even added a new scale of exceptional five-plus category to characterize atmospheric rivers because the intensity, as well as the number is increasing.

As rare atmospheric rivers dump an enormous amount of rain in California, all eyes are now on Orville Dam again, since the emergency spillway is having a little difficulty, and the lake levels may rise even further up to 10 feet. This may cause an over-spill on the emergency spillway once again.

Two inches of rain in the coastal mountains is also expected to pound for days, so you should see more major flooding in about five days from now.

This was the graphic used in 2017 when Oroville Spillway overtopped. For your information, Oroville Spillway is 901 feet in height. So, where is the water level at the moment?

Oroville water level is at 889.3 feet, and that has actually increased since I grabbed this chart.

I checked the California Data Exchange Center to look for the Department of Water Resources, and the record shows that Orville Dam is at 890.95 feet. There is an anticipated increase in height, so we are back to square one where we are again waiting to see if this will overtop, or if the authorities will give enough warning in advance, because last time, they did not.

With all the hype around, The Guardian has to change the lexicon of the climate debate. Now it is termed “climate crisis” and “global heating”, because it could not just be a climate change anymore. I hope you can see what they are trying to do.

They are changing the lexicon/language terms to make it scarier, because the sea levels are not rising as they have anticipated. They have told us we would need to abandon the coast for 40 years. Now, Greenland continues to gain ice and the thickness in the Arctic Ice is increasing due to cooler water from the Atlantic pulsing under, on its 9-year cycle.

So Guardian needs to change the lexicon for the loosing climate debate, but they said that the “original terms are not banned”. Should we be thankful for allowing us to have our free speech?

Corporate Media will not ban terms like “Climate Change” and “Global Warming”, and we can slowly switch to scarier lexicons such as “climate science deniers” in place of “climate sceptic”, or “climate emergency” or “climate crisis”.

How much scarier can it get, and how much more language reversal do we need? Guardian even stated that you do not need a ‘denier’ to balance the debate. To clarify, I do not deny that our climate is changing. In fact, the change will be so huge that it is going to disrupt our society. This is what I am screaming at the top of my lungs. We need to talk about these changes because they are happening so fast, and on top of that, massive crop losses are occurring across the planet. I correlate these losses to effects from the Sun, not CO2.

I am not a denier. My voice has the right to be heard as well, to balance the debate that it is not CO2, not you, but the Sun causing the amplified changes globally.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more information like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go.

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(MIAC #210) The Week Our World Reached Peak Agricultural Output


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*** Today’s Story Links ***

Guardian will change the language it uses to describe climate change


Oroville Dam interactive water heights



Oroville water heights graphic


Rare “atmospheric river” storms to soak California this week


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Why aren't they out there with a line of cement trucks pouring a new spillway?

The question isn't whether it will overtop, the question is will the dam wash out.

Put a 7.1 under it and you will likely get the same effect as over topping.

Posted using Partiko Android

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