Locust Supplements & Consolidation of the Global Food Supply

I know the acquisition of Whole Foods by Amazon is very familiar to everyone, but here is another one, Nature’s Fare Markets is acquired now by Buy-Low Foods of B.C.’s Jim Pattison Group. Billionaires are now scouring the mergerable food market to be able to control the food distribution chain. They had to know something about the Grand Solar Minimum to be investing in this type of business. Pattison group also owns Choice Markets, Sun-Rype, and Quality Foods. So, if you go into a supermarket you see almost the same companies manufacturing what you buy.

On the other hand, there is a new story about the New York City Mayor banning hot dogs in the city which is now making the rounds. In a new statement, beyond “Meatless Mondays”, legislators are going to forbid types of meat to help alleviate “Global Warming”. For now, it is about limiting the amount of processed foods because they are so concerned about your health. I guess the citywide ban on hotdogs is not exactly true.

From the New York Post, humans are going to begin eating insect sausages as meat alternative. Look at this, maggots and locusts incorporated in some foods. Does this sound delicious?

Although, this maybe something like a follow-up on the mayor’s Meatless Mondays for the hotdog-ban, but when I looked at the source, it is from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Here it is, United Nations arms are stretching out to control what you can eat. They are even encouraging you to eat more insects, not only that, they are also going to try to sneak insects into pre-prepared foods. You need to be ready for that. They even talk about vanilla ice cream. How delicious could it be if it is with insect proteins made out of locusts?

I guess they are going to have to start in the Middle East, because with all the rains, the biblical plagues of locusts swarmed the area. Look at these scenes from across Africa and the Middle East, the swarms are this dense. The holy land of Jordan and Israel are absolutely eaten to the nubs in the earth.

Also look at what is happening in Egypt, as well as Iran, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, and India. Wherever you look there are huge locusts’ plagues. So, if you are looking for additional protein sources FAO, get your nets ready and head to the Middle East.

Because for me, this is what I envision as food: spices, beans, wheat, barley and something just like this, not locusts or some types of insects.

In relation to this, off AgriCensus Prices, Argentina is raising import duties on their food, a protectionist move, but I bet you already saw that coming. Among the foods they are trying to protect soya beans by making them cost prohibitive to any imports. Also, Trump tweet may play to quick-growing corn switch as rains persists. This, I think, is a code word to say, the fields are not going to be planted on-time. At least they are now looking for new species that are faster-growing and shorter in size with similar yields. Good luck planting because as of now, there are still few fields that are in good planting condition.

Moreover, Turkish wheat imports grind to a halt as the Lira slides. So, fiat currencies are devaluing in Turkey. I wonder what the people on the street are going to do when they wake up and realize that their holdings in a bank account is only worth 50% of what it used to be, and on top of that, food prices are doubled.

This is rather an interesting concept because it is going to happen globally. This will unfold at different rates in each country, but get ready for it, it might be a country near you.

One of my subscribers also told me about the price increases in Coles supermarket in Australia, white bread has risen 30% in 5 months and bulk rice packs have risen from 6 dollars to 12 dollars, a full 100% increase. The question is, we were told that the world had a bumper crop of wheat harvest last year, but in reality, it was down 4% from the prior year. Why is food spiraling in price upward? Are they lying? Who is “they”, FAO or the corporate media?

They are not completely lying; they are masking the effects of the magnetic pole shift/amplified Grand Solar Minimum on our global food production. We shall see how much further they can mask these effects at the end of this year, when there are so many losses.

Meanwhile, a quarter million Indian farmers who have so much debt they have taken their own lives due to large corporations coming in with their terminator seeds. These farmers are forced to be kept in a supply chain, where they have to continue buying seeds and activators year after year, so they went bankrupt.

Also, off The Hill, Pepsi sues Indian farmers for growing trademark potatoes. Are you telling me that natural potato in India that was copyrighted and trademarked by Pepsi is now illegal to grow because that very same native species trademarked by Pepsi was still being used after how many generations, about 50 generations in India? This is where we are going with our food supply, the consolidation move is in play.

With that being said, it is now the planting season, so what are you going to experiment planting this year. As you can see, with the amplification of weather or nature’s extreme events, you need to be more self-reliant. Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more information like this, I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the GSM you can take on the go.

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(MIAC #205) When There Are Food Riots in Cities, Are Governments Ready?

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Humans will eat insect sausages as a meat alternative: scientists

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