French Vineyards Freeze & Solar Cycle 24 Tapers Off

This video was originally published 14/4/2019

Let us start our analysis with this map from WX Charts. Take note of where France is, then focus on the dark blue areas of the map, the east of UK and the north of Spain.

This decimating mid-spring frost in France is now on its third year in a row; and as this happens, heat sources are needed next to the vineyards, in order to protect them.

Interestingly, when I followed the leads to this event, this is what Twitter did. They labeled information regarding this, “sensitive material”. What do they mean?

These are the aerial photos of what is going on there. Look at how many resources that are being diverted just to keep these vineyards from freezing. An all-out effort is being carried out to prevent losing this year's wine crop.

This scenery sets the tone and the stage of what has been happening, due to the unusual cold in France.

These, however, will never be seen in global media because for agenda pushers, it is hot everywhere.

It is a good thing that Severe-Weather EU has a good collection of images on this event. This one here occurred on the 13th - 15th, but what will happen. It should warm up because of the extreme winds coming from the Atlantic at around 80 miles per hour.

This one here shows paraffin wax candles next to the vineyards, to keep your wine supply flowing, if you will.

Since we are on the subject of flowing, check out this positive lightning in Croatia on March 11th. Croatia continues to show signs of a forming an active spot for the atmosphere, along with Turkey, some area of the Adriatic and Slovenia. Change has absolutely been going on in these places.

Furthermore, Abruzzo over in the Italian Alps has had another unmeasured amount of snow cover because the storm is still ongoing, but expecting an additional 3 to 4 feet of snow.

Greece also had heavy hail, showing evidence of atmospheric anomalies. This is really a low altitude where snow on the beaches was observed in Italy and Greece this winter (2018-2019) as well as (2017-2018).

This much hail had fallen in Brazil. Remember just a week ago, all-time record floods barraged Rio, and here they are again with another weather-related anomaly. Please note that they are not welcoming spring down there it’s the Southern Hemisphere and is about to enter the autumn season. It’s the opposite season of the Northern Hemisphere.

Hail during springtime across the Northern Hemisphere is understandable, but hail when winter is approaching signals something else. I do believe that these atmospheric changes are expected with the intensification timeline of the Grand Solar Minimum.

For those of you who have been following the epic snowfalls and whiteout conditions in Wyoming, that same event is now in Chicago, with snow fall of 8-10 inches. Thanks to Kickass Cryptos for this image.

Thanks to Joe as well for this photo of Northwest Chicago burbs. Take note that this storm front is going to continue to push east through the Great Lakes over the next day.

Articles discussing when Solar Cycle 24 is going to finally taper off into its low are now available, and this is going to happen through the year.

Meanwhile, the images below are of sunspots. I took that image on the right as we were getting ready to fly from Hanoi, Vietnam right in the airport. I snapped the shot about an hour before sunset with a 400-millimeter lens. The left image is Sunspot AR2738. Now, remember the tilt of the Earth is off by 23.5 degrees, thus the image I took does not match exactly with the satellite imagery. Same is true with anything that you are going to get from the image on the Earth itself.

Sunspots can be seen from Earth during clear conditions and they are impressive. This image below was sent to my feed from SSSweather_test, showing the same sunspot area.

Finally, this is among the reasons why I was in Vietnam, image here of an Indigo Field taken in the Sa Pa region. This same area had record snows three years ago, and they registered record cold for the last two years.

I want to check the flow of some agriculture and low-tech fish farming techniques there, which I will be sharing to you in the very near future, but I want to leave you with this zoomed-in picture of what Indigo plants look
like. This is what gives that beautiful dark blue-purple shade in your clothing.

Thanks for reading, I hope you got something out of the article. If you like more information like this I produce the tri-weekly Mini Ice Age Conversations podcast, 30 minutes of in-depth analysis on the Grand Solar Minimum you can take on the go through your day.

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