Spanish grammar
Before entering the world of the syntax and morphology of Spanish, it is necessary to address an important point from which these forms of studying the language are derived: Grammar, study of the formal aspects of a language; it is also considered "the art of speaking and writing correctly". The knowledge and use of the rules of a language is fundamental to understand the different existing forms of communication.
Within the grammar converge various branches, such as: semantics, phonetics, phonology, syntax and morphology. Each of these has as its starting point the word; either in its physical or acoustic form. Understanding the meaning of the word, its use, and incorporation into higher structures (sentences), allows us to understand the different combinations that exist and that speakers of a language present.
Morphology: branch of grammar that is responsible for the study of the words of a language (linguistic signs). When analyzing these linguistic signs, we find that they are made up of two parts: lexical morpheme (root) and grammatical morpheme (inflections / endings); the first provides the primary meaning of the word and the second allows to create new words that come off that meaning.
Syntax: part of the grammar that deals with coordinating words to form sentences.
Both are directly related, as well as each of the branches mentioned. By understanding its use you will be able to understand and value your language! It is important to understand that all grammar has its own logic and, not only must its study be based on the word as a static entity, but also as an element that adapts to the context in which it is located.
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