Crazy realistic graffiti - unbelievable art

in #graffiti6 years ago (edited)

Today afternoon I was wandering around with my dog and ran into these amazing graffiti. Since there was a signature it is obvious one person made them all. The guy's nickname is Pijanista (The Pianist in serbian) and I can say he's insanely creative and talented. The place where you can see this amazing work is Bezanijska kosa, Belgrade, Serbia; Bezanijski vidikovac actually (I don't know if there is english translation of this).

It is important to mention that these graffiti are mostly realistic portraits of serbian actors and musicians (and a tennis player, famous worldwide, but his portrait is more of a caricature), except for the cats (I guess they didn't act in any tv show, but who knows :D). And in the reflection of the guy's binoculars you can see how Bezanijski vidikovac looks like.

I took the pictures of the same graffiti from different perspectives in order for you to get a better "feeling" of what I am talking about and mixed their order a bit... I hope you will enjoy this great art as well as I did!


Amazing Work ! My mind is blown away at the detail 🤖

Craaaazy details, definitely :)

Dobar je @mixology, ovaj sa dvogledom mu je top. Ocigledno koristi ovaj outline kao svoj znak prepoznavanja takodje. Iskreno, malo mu beze portreti, tj proporcije na nekim radovim. Sorry profesionalna deformacija.
Ako volis dobar grafit probaj da nadjes na netu TKV i Janu Danailovic, devojke kidaju. A Artez je tek prica za sebe.

Kapiram profesionalnu deformaciju :) Prosto sam bio odusevljen da vidim toliki ulozen trud i zaista lepo izgledaju grafiti. Mozda je bas ta disproporcija neki, sto ja volim da kazem "personal touch" :D A outline je "final touch" haha Hvala na preporukama, bacicu pogled.

Haha kul izgledaju, baš sam i ja jucer napravio post o grafitima XD

Super, sad cu da bacim pogled :)

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.

neko stvarno voli da crta grafite, a i okolina izgleda nema nista protiv. meni je ovo skroz super

I meni, obozavam grafite :)

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