RE: Graduating High School Early
I dropped out of school as a teenage mostly because I was in pretty bad mental health and got involved in some other, uh, recreational things. Lol. It took me a while to get back on track. I started homeschooling myself when I was 16 or 17, and now, a year late or so, I am finally almost graduated. I learnt a lot about life when I was not focusing on school however. I wish that when I was in public school I had the ability to pay more attention and learn stuff, I really wish I remembered anything about chemestry. I was much to invovled in my own mental health at that time, and school did not give me the focus nor time I needed to really learn a subject.
I am the opposite of a year early, I am a year late. I actually learnt things I wanted to learn and put time and effort into them however, some of my projects are Steemit posts, and now I am almost graduated with near perfect grades.
That's great. You can really start learning after this "phase". The point is now that you can check "yes" on applications as being a high school graduate. It's not your fault it did not make sense. It Does Not make sense how they conduct K-12 education in most government run schools. They (as an institution) don't care how we feel for the most part. So now, just decide on future education goals and go for it! You'll be fine! : ))/
Im not worried! Learning is a lifestyle for me, rather then a boring activity. If I could learn for a living, that would be perfect.