It has come to my attention that some of my fellow gentiles and goyim don't actually know who gentiles and goyim are. This, unfortunately is a big problem. After all, you can't begin to break free of your slave chains if you don't even know you’re in them.
For anyone who is still unaware of what goy/goyim or gentiles means, allow me to explain. As always, I encourage you to not take my word for anything I say but to do the research on your own and verify everything yourself.
The terms goy/goyim or gentile are use interchangeably and come from the Jewish Talmud/Torah.
Goy (goyim, plural) is officially translated as “nations”, however, in actual practice, the terms “goy/goyim” and gentiles are disparaging and derogatory terms (as you can see from my screenshots) used to promote Jewish supremacy worldwide. They are used and defined by the Talmud/Torah and the Rabbinical authority as: “beast in human form” (whom YHWH created to be a slave/servant to the Jews), cattle, dog(akum), pig, monkey, donkey, and others.
Per the Jewish Talmud and the Jewish Encyclopedia, gentiles and goyim are EVERYONE who is not a Jew.
Jewish Encyclopedia in its article on “gentile” says:
“Since the gentile is not a man, “a gentile is not a neighbor to the jew.” (p. 620)
“Only Israelites are men, gentiles are barbarians.”
Because the Talmud conspires against gentiles, if a Jew was ever caught telling a gentile what the Talmud really says, such a person deserves death. - Jewish Encyclopedia "Gentile" (p. 623).
Israeli Sephardic leader rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist ONLY to serve Jews.
“Gentiles exist only to serve jews.” - Rabbi Yosef (The Jerusalem Post - the article has since been removed)
“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel.” rabbi Yosef said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform.
”Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat." Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews.
"With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew.”
“Especially today with America, I know what America is. America is something that can easily be moved, moved in the right direction…They won’t get in our way.”
“So lets say they say something. So they said it. 80% of the Americans support us. It’s absurd. We have that kind of support and we say “what we will do with the…” I was not afraid to clash with the Clintons, i was not afraid to clash with the United Nations.” - Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu
“Our race is the ‘master race'. We are divine gods on this planet. We are as different from the inferior races as they are from insects. In fact, compared to our race, other races are beasts and animals, cattle at best. Other races are considered as human excrement. Our destiny is to rule over the inferior races. Our earthly kingdom will be ruled by our leader with a rod of iron. The masses will lick our feet and serve us as our slaves.” - Menachem Begin
“One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail.” - Rabbi Yaacov Perrin (NY Daily News, Feb. 28, 1994, p.6).
“The difference between a Jewish soul and the souls of non-jews is greater and deeper than the difference between a human soul and the souls of cattle.” - Abraham Kook(religious mentor for the “settlers movement”) (quoted from: Messiahs’ Donkeys by Seffi Rachlevsky)(The Talmudic College in Jerusalem - Mercaz HaRav Kook, is named after Abraham Kook)
“Gentiles exist solely to serve Jews.” - Chabad Rebbe (NY Times Magazine: The Oracle of Crown Heights)
“All gentiles have satanic souls and their sole purpose is to serve Jews.” - Rebbe (honored with a medal from the U.S. congress)
“Chabad Lubavitch represents the most enduring ideals of Judaism.” - The New York Times
“As for the Goyim, Gentile souls are of a completely different and inferior order. They are totally evil with no redeeming qualities…If a Jew needs a liver, can you take the liver of an innocent non-Jew passing by to save him? The Torah would probably permit that.” The Jewish life has infinite value he explained. “Something infinitely more holy and unique about Jewish life than non-Jewish life.” - Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh (prominent Chabad rabbi) New York The Jewish Week
“EVEN THE BEST AMONG THE GENTILES SHALL BE KILLED, just as the best of snakes should have their heads crushed.” (“Tob shebe goyyim harog”) - 1907 Jewish Encyclopedia, under the entry, “Gentile,” (p. 617) published by Funk and Wagnalls and compiled by Isidore Singer.
The above passage from the original translation of Babylonian Talmud spoken by the great rabbi Simon ben Yohai. Israelis annually take part in a national pilgrimage to the grave of Simon ben Yohai, to honor this rabbi who advocated the extermination of non-Jews. (Jewish Press, June 9, 1989, p. 56B).
Shikasa, is the word used for gentile (goyim) women, meaning, “abomination” or “whore”
Shikselke means, a gentile little girl, meaning, “little female abomination” or “whore”
If hearing it from the horses mouth wasn’t enough, I invite you to take a look at the teachings of the Talmud.
Stay tuned for that, coming up next.