Government spending and why it will always be wastefully corrupt.
Time and time again you might hear people say, the system is broken and the Government doesn’t work or is inefficient. I would like to make the case that this premise is incorrect, the Government is in fact very effective, once you realize that it is not meant to work for you. It is the other way round.
There is no benefit to society in giving people free money and then telling them they are equal to people that work. Let me speak for myself. I do not believe in equality, it is a LIE. It is not based in reality. That is like saying, I am equal to these fake journalists, I reject that. Remember they are after your reality, once they get that, it is easier to steal your money.
What is even more infuriating is that if you ever bring it up, you are labeled, insulted or attacked. be careful you might be called Privileged… Yet you work for a living, enough is enough. …
The biggest poison in our society is the grant system. … Someone has to say it, it is time for some political incorrectness, how else are you going to fix the problem. To give people free money is a direct attack on the family and I, for one, do not want to participate in it anymore. My answer is NO. I do not CONSENT.
In case you think I am being hateful, please consider educating yourself about the law of the land.
(This speech is protected by our constitution, it's called freedom of expression, you should go take a look at that. …)
I think that there is a better way, surely. … If you manage to digest what I am saying without being triggered or think that I am hateful towards the poor or whatever word you think might hurt me, you should know that I have no capacity to care about your opinion, I am stating my opinion. Expert or not, degree, honors or not, I could care less. …
I speak for myself and hardworking people like me, I don’t not care where they are, what colour their skin is, or where they come from. … And if it moves the conversation forward, I’ll be the monster. We are robbing young people of the pride and satisfaction to work and earn for self.
The solution is to CUT taxes.
YES, if our Government really cared about people, as we do, and by we I mean the productive population of society, they would cut taxes for businesses. And let us solve the mess we have put us in. …
There are plenty of case studies you can find to support my argument. It is also common sense that productive people will reinvest most of the money they make back into their businesses always always always. I know it might seem strange to you, but if it does, then I am sorry you don’t belong in that league. … And we do this because we want to increase production, this normally means more jobs, and more money. Everyone is happy. .. I know that they teach something different at our universities, I know..
Government is happy since the tax pool is bigger, people are happy they are working and spending on themselves. It is important, people are working. Pride in self restored.
The Late Milton Fredman spoke eloquently about government's spending and the reason that it will always be wastefully corrupt, and why it is the way it is.
The question you need to ask or consider is “who is spending who’s money?”. There are 4 sets of scenarios whenever you spend money …
So when you spend money, you can
spend your money on yourself
When you spend YOUR OWN money on YOURSELF, you are very careful how much you spend and you are very careful to make sure that you get the best quality for the money you spend. You worked for it after all, very important. _ VALUE FOR MONEY
spend your money on someone else
When you spend YOUR OWN money on SOMEONE ELSE, you are careful how much you spend, and you are not too concerned about the quality, like you would in first scenario AFFORDABLE QUALITY
spend SOMEONE ELSE'S money on YOURSELF, you don’t care how much money you spend and you also make sure you get the best quality for the money you are spending. EXPENSE QUALITY
spend someone else's money on someone else, you don’t care about the price and you couldn’t care less about the quality __ CHEAP CHEAP
And the 4th scenario is the definition of Government Spending. … There is this misconception that the Government creates jobs, that is not true. And it is not the responsibility of the Government to create jobs, all the government can do is spend the money it takes from the productive members of society and give it away.
If you take money from Tebogo and give it to Thabo, you can always rely on Thabo’s support. ..
Well now Tebogo is now GATVOEL and wants to keep his money. …
In conclusion, the cause is the cure and the cure is the cause. … You are able to solve the problem with the cause of the problem. And you manage to do this without a tax revolt.
Is that too simplistic? Has that been tried in our country before?
The solutions are with the productive members of society, the working class and maybe it is time they were asked? Clearly the Experts in this scenario are experts at failure, step aside.
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