Why the government lies
People use the word government often.
You’re hearing on TV
What is the government?
The government is a group of people.
They can be very basic, like those bus drivers for example.
The government can be a group of people.
They can be very intelligent, like the courts for example.
When you hear the word government, you think of some abstract magical force.
That’s not true. The government is a human being. Every human has a name.
Sometimes humans work in groups.
It’s easier to call it the government.
Like for example when you have a police officer, and they don’t tell you their name.
You’re just called him the government.
The government can have a skill said of highly refined and advanced tools at their disposal.
For example, when a foreign competing government finds out there the government that boasts of being the most powerful USA 🇺🇸
This can lead to sophisticated forms of communication. Like passing coded messages in news broadcasts. Where the average viewer has no idea what they’re saying. What are the broadcasters being broadcasted across the nation.
You can using modern technology, insert electrodes that can monitor thoughts.
Sometimes government agents even have to keep their identities secret from other government agents. Because of how aggressively they will be targeted by competitors.
Ever wonder if the voice at the other end of that radio, is really friendly?