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RE: Anarchy vs Government

in #government8 years ago

You have already lost that battle for you have accepted "government" a real existing entity. When in reality it does not exist. Will christmas exist if santa clause was not real? You want to get rid of santa clause? We know that santa clause is fake. So can society exist without government? The answer is obvious. Yes because that is how society is today: Without government. And what is a world without government? Anarchy. Correct.
You see anarchy has always been simply brcause of the fact that none of us has the right to govern others. And we know that no one can give someone else a right we do not have ourselves.
So how does government exist? Who created "government" then? How did they gain such authority? From where?


How you come to the conclusion government dose not exist already, not sure. I've had to deal with the horrible group of thugs more times then I like to recall.

"Government" itself does no harm, because it is a fictional entity. But the belief in "government"--the notion that some people actually have the moral right to rule over others--has caused immeasurable pain and suffering, injustice and oppression, enslavement and death. The fundamental problem does not reside in any set of buildings, or any group of politicians, or any gang of soldiers or enforcers. The fundamental problem is not an organization that can be voted out, or overthrown, or "reformed". The fundamental problem is the belief itself--the delusion, superstition, and myth of "authority"--which resides in the minds of several billion human beings.

How did I come to the conclusion?

Some of us realize the self-evident truth that no election, no constitution, no legislation, and no other pseudo-religious political ritual can bestow upon anyone the right to rule another. Nothing can make a man into a rightful master; nothing can make a man into a rightful slave.

To answer your question:

I figured out, via simple logic, that "government" is impossible. I don't mean that GOOD "government" is impossible (though it is); I mean that the entire concept of "government" is a self-contradictory myth. There's no such thing, and can be no such thing. There can NEVER be a legitimate ruling class, so arguing about WHAT KIND of ruling class we should have, or what it should do, was a completely pointless discussion. If "government" isn't real, debating what it should be like is silly.

There are several ways to prove this, and each of them is astonishingly simple. For example, if a person cannot delegate a right he doesn't have, then it is impossible for those in "government" to have any rights that I do not personally have. (Where and how would they have acquired such super-human rights?) Furthermore, unless human beings can actually ALTER morality by mere decree, then all "legislation" is pointless and illegitimate. If one accepts the principle of non-aggression, then "government" is logically impossible, because a "government" without the right to tax, regulate, or legislate (which are all threats of aggression) is no "government" at all. And just as no one can have the right to rule me, I can never have any obligation to obey anyone's command over my own "conscience," which rules out any possibility of any outside "authority."

Of course, the gang of mercenaries is very real, as are the politicians, but it is the supposed LEGITIMACY of their rule that makes them "government," and makes their commands "law," and makes disobedience to such commands "crime," and so on. Without the RIGHT to do what they do--without the moral right to rule--the gang ceases to be "government," and becomes organized crime.

Yes they are criminals and yes they don't have the right to rule over us or tell us what to do but that dose not stop these monsters from beating, killing and extorting wealth from us at every turn.

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