RE: Be Suspicious Of Everyone Who Habitually Defends The Powerful From The Weak
Great article! I've tweeted it out.
I wish independent journalists who also are ardent supporters of Wikileaks & Assange who have almost 10,000 docs exposing directed energy weapons & Snowden files have also revealed directed energy weapons used as torture weaponry on civilians, would live by their words & activism for exposing corruption, Deep State corruption, war crimes, crimes against humanity and help support and expose all the evidence that exists about Intel/police organized voyeuristic torture, harassment, stalking progs used on knowingly innocent civilians world wide esp in USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Five Eye Countries:
NSA whistleblower Karen Melton-Stewart 7 page letter for anyone to download & hand in to their local police station about police involvement in these silent covert holocausts on law-abiding civilians:
If you want to get involved in exposing these crimes:
Suzie Dawson already went on a twitter rampage saying this is the year directed energy weapons being used on civilians will get revealed & more exposure & who will be brave enough to write about it; yet herself included have remained tight lipped on the subject despite it being one of the many corruptions & crimes Wikileaks has exposed. Surely all journalists who support Wikileaks & Assange should be exposing & expanding on the leaked docs published on Wikileaks archived search database: