| Nephew of a Politician caught with 15kg of marijuana VS a man growing it to treat multiple sclerosis |

in #government7 years ago (edited)

This story enraged me unlike any other I heard about my country. The amount of corruption and inequality we are facing today is unbelievable. We are not the same under the eye of justice like we are supposed to be. The system is corrupt and plagued, favors the rich while stomping on the poor and powerless. It's like that bully in school that used to beat you up and take your lunch money.

Two men were caught with an illegal plant in a corrupt country. One is a nephew of a politician while the other is a regular guy who was unlucky enough to get multiple sclerosis. Who do you think got more?

Allthough this may sound like a good start to a joke, it's not. This is the reality in Croatia, and probably many more countries worldwide.

Josip Kerum (27)

Nephew of a corrupt and powerful business-man Željko Kerum, who has after successfully building his empire using ties to powerful people in good positions. Later on Kerum pulled some strings and called a couple of favors and literally bought his way into politics and became a member of the parliament.

This isn't unusuall in a country that is ran by external influence of banksters, USA and NATO.Most of our high ranking politicians are brought in position from Bruxelles, and are doing everything they can to make their owners some profit. Taking orders from the top and saying only what they were told to say, our polititians are puppets in the tragedy show that my country has become.

Željko Kerum

Just look at what kind of people are running my country. This guy is one of the most arrogant and stupid people you will ever meet. Not only does he talk and walks like a hillbilly, he spends most his money on cocaine, hookers and gambling. A few years ago he lost a hotel worth 20 million dollars in one day of gambling. This guy is insane. Always showing of his Ferrari's and Maybachs like he's some sort of a hollywood superstar. He was the frist man in Croatia to buy this Maybach and he literally displayed it to the people he thinks as peasants in one of his many stores. Again flashing his wealth to the ones who are unlucky enough to work for him. And if that wasn't enough he is completely ignorant and stupid and never fails to dissapoint in showing that when he speaks up.

Imagine the stupidest person you know, multiply the stupidity by at least 2 and you'll get somewhere close to Kerum's level.

Josip Kerum

Was caught in Zagreb trying to smuggle 15kg of marijuana to Split (350km away). Being a Kerum and having connections this tard got 1 year probation! Probation?! Are you fucking kidding me? If they found me with 50g of weed on me they would put me behind bars for at least a couple of months and he got probation for 15kg?!?!? This must be some sick joke. But it's not, it's the reality I'm living in.

In Croatia you can live life like it's GTA and and do whatever you want provided that you have enough money to pay your way out. There will be no one to stop you because if you get caught, you can just grease up the right people and start all over again like nothing happened.
Now see what happens when you are just a regular guy. Living a normal life, working a 9 to 5 job and barely making it through the year. No connections or anything just a decent guy trying to survive in this lousy excuse for a country.

Huanito Luksetić (39)

He was unfortunate enough to get multiple sclerosis and because of it had a hard time talking, seeing and walking. He was even bound to the bed for a couple of months in his hardest days. He couldn't move and could barely speak.

Somehow he learned about medical marijuana and that its oil can help fight the symptoms he was experiencing and soothe his agony. After finding out that a monthly dose he would need costs 500€ ( more than he earns ) in the pharmacy he was forced to buy it from the black market but later decided to grow it in his garden.

He immediately noticed improvements and his sympthoms slowly faded away. He could walk and talk normally once again and was without a problem doing all the work in his field himself. It was a miracle and a lifesaver all in a form of a herb we were gifted by mother nature but taken away by big pharma.

What do you mean taken away, you said you can get medicinal marijuana in a pharmacy?

Well first of all the law legalizing medicinal marijuana came in a few months ago. Before you had nowhere to get it and were forced to reach out to the black market. Now you can buy it but it's too expensive with a monthly dose costing more than the average paycheck. Forcing people to go to the black market and buy untested oils of who knows what or growing and making it for themselves as most people do. But then you are facing criminal charges for making yourself a cure while the real criminals run our country. This is completely absurd and I can't tell you how much this is frustrating me.

Getting back to Huanitos story

Few years into making his cure he got a knock on the door by the police and was persecuted and convicted to 2 years in jail. He is still waiting for final results as he made a plea for another evaluation of his case hoping to be freed or at least minimal sentence, as he wasn't growing it to sell or take profits but to cure himself and help fight the symptoms of the disease he was unlucky enough to get in the first place.

Huanito became a symbol of resistance to the system of oppression and is getting support from many people all over the country that were facing the same problems or just have sympathy for the situation and understand his situation and what the system is trying to do in his case.

Big pharma with its huge influence is trying to make Huanito a poster boy for others to see what is going to happen if you don't oblige to their rules. Eather buy their GMO, overpriced marijuana that probably won't even help you or face criminal charges in an unfair system and go to jail.

This just about wraps it up and gives you an insight into the inequality we are facing in our justice system and serves as a perfect example to what reality we are living in. There is no justice in Croatia, only a couple of basic rules.

  • Money is power
  • Connections are the key to success
  • The system is rigged to favor the rich
  • The rich will get richer while the poor get poorer

All of this at the expense of the 99% while the 1% are living a dream life.

This is just one example of how absurd the system is, and I'll write more about it in the future, exposing the criminals running my country.

In the mean time let's pray that Huanito gets freed because if they put him in jail he will return to his worst state. And will once again be bound to his bed, unable to talk or see normally with constant seizures as he was before starting treatment with marijuana oil.


"Imagine the stupidest person you know, multiply the stupidity by at least 2 and you'll get somewhere close to Kerum's level."

This statement above cracked me up. But this is very sad. I know marijuana has alot of healthy benefits but the fact that the pharmaceutical firms make it too expensive and unaffordable is what pains me the most.

The rich want to get richer. Nobody wants to help the poor. It is a pity. I really feel sad for Huanito. I never knew there was so much Corruption in Croatia like this. May God help us all.

This is why you can't afford to be poor. You have to be rich. And you have to grow to become so rich to be able to help anyone you choose to help. Thanks @runicar for sharing this post. It is very interesting. Let me stop here and not leave a comment that is too long. 😁

This is why you can't afford to be poor. You have to be rich. And you have to grow to become so rich to be able to help anyone you choose to help.

Exactly, and if we all helped one another instead of doing the opposite like most do, the world would be a much better place.

In the mean time let's pray that Huanito gets freed because if they put him in jail he will return to his worst state. And will once again be bound to his bed, unable to talk or see normally with constant seizures as he was before starting treatment with marijuana oil.
I pray hes freed....wow touching

The US is corrupt too man. Families are moving hundreds or thousands of miles for their kid to be able to get treatment from cannabis because it truly helps them. I read about a lady from the UK who moved to Colorado and then California, to help her 10-year-old daughter, who suffers from a neurological disorder. Big Pharma owns the government it seems.

Yeah, I know, big pharma and banksters rule the world and own our governments. Sad times to be living in.

Here, there has been great progress with Mary Jane becoming legal and decriminalized in many places. Still illegal federally though. But just a day or two ago, I see the twit Trump on television with his goons saying something like they won't be standing for drugs and criminal behavior. Before he was even "elected", I was saying they would do something like this, states legalize, and feds drop the minimum amounts to be charged federally, so they can jail small time users. It has not happened yet, but it looks closer everyday. Sick, twisted games these people play to get their rocks off..

OFC there is progress when monsanto partnered up with Bayer and they want to sell us their GMO weed as "medicine". I'm not buying into their bullshit. THey were the ones who legalized it in the first place and now they are bringing it back on much higher prices and in GMO form. Ridicilous.

Yes sir! Everything is so twisted and corrupt. GMO MaryJ... What has the world come to?

I get your anger but it just one of so many story of incredible government corruption. The good thing is we we are beginning to fight back. Maybe we will win some. resteeming hope it helps to get the story out.

Most are still sleeping man, and until we wake them up there will be no significant improvements and the elite will tend to abuse their power as much as they can.

I'm utterly disgusted and feel physically sick reading your story @runicar. Actually I should call it Huanito's story; you were just good enough to bring it to our attention.

They say that revolution happens when the downside risks of confronting the power structure are no worse than continuing to live under their rule. I feel we are not there yet on a population wide scale but we are there in some individual cases like this.

This is what's referred to as a victimless crime, which in my book is no crime at all. The only crime here is by the state which is using violence and force (the only tools they ever use) to inflict horror on an already suffering individual.

Thank you for this story, despite the fact that it enraged me, it's necessary to know and adds weight to my already fierce anti-government world view.

100% upvote & resteem 👍

Understandably you do and anyone in the right mind would feel the same way.

This is nothing compared to what I'm going to write about next. Croatia is full of examples where immorality rules and there is no justice.

Prepare to be shocked :)

Thank you for this story, despite the fact that it enraged me, it's necessary to know and adds weight to my already fierce anti-government world view.

Glad that we share common ground and same oppinions. It's always nice to meet likeminded people, especially on Steemit.

Thanks for the support man!

My pleasure. These are unfortunately still fringe views so I feel identical in that being around those who you don't need to explain the obvious to is a comforting thing. Looking forward to the next read! Keep up the good fight.

I look forward to reading your posts. I always think all politicians are corrupt, but obviously, there are different levels of corruptness.

Thanks, Croatia has the best possible examples and real world situations of corruption and power abuse. Will write a lot more about the issue, because that's what frustrates me the most and I like venting about it on steemit.

"Again flashing his wealth to the ones who are unlucky enough to work for him. And if that wasn't enough he is completely ignorant and stupid and never fails to dissapoint in showing that when he speaks up.
Imagine the stupidest person you know, multiply the stupidity by at least 2 and you'll get somewhere close to Kerum's level."

I'm sorry for what you have to put up with in Croatia, but your description above unfortunately also describes the current American resident of the White House; and he and our criminally complicit government seem determined to take us all down that same road.

Shame on the lot of them.

I've believed in the legalization of cannabis since the 1970s, and frankly it should never have been made illegal in the first place, as a naturally occurring plant that is native all over the world.

Upvoted full. Prayers for Huanito, that he is released and given the right to grow his own medicine, and that all others in need of it are given the same freedom everywhere.

I've believed in the legalization of cannabis since the 1970s, and frankly it should never have been made illegal in the first place, as a naturally occurring plant that is native all over the world.

Of course it shouldn't. It was made ilegal only to ensure profits for the big pharma selling us bullshit "medicine"

Indeed it was. But thankfully more and more people are finally awakening to that fact.

the best alternative to such issues is to decentralize the system and ensure your citizens are well informed. A well informed is likely a responsible citizen and a responsible citizen is better than one man responsible for many citizens. There are many flaws with the majority rules paradigm but there are even more fallacies in the oligarchic paradigm of choosing people to make choices on our behalf. that creates intense stratification that is protected with deadly force to maintain the system. They even go so far as to try an program citizens to behave a certain way by making arbitrary laws that hurt the people while filling the establishments coffers. I know there is not a perfect answer but this current status quota is just wrong.

Great read @runicar stay strong soon the Herb will be legalized worldwide and decentralization will take hold much like the internet did earlier this century.

Yep, that's something I thought about earlier but I don't see that happening in a country ruled by masons and the elite societies/banksters. They just wouldn't let it pass, and if they did I'm sure that they would have a way around it.

The corruption is too strong and the tentacles of the elite octopus are far and widespread. Don't see any solution before a revolution happens, people wake up and with brute force bring them down. We need a radical change before anything good happens.

Glad you enjoyed the read, will write a couple more to expose what is really going on and how corrupt the system is. The more people get to know this the sooner something will change.

We have much here!, Famous marijuana Aceh and Amazing taste! hehe

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