The truth behind Islamophobia - Fact or fiction

in #government8 years ago

Hello Ladies and gents.

i do want to touch upon a controversial topic that some views may or may not feel strongly about. Nevertheless i do want to discuss it because i believe that it is good to get these uncomfortable topics out in the open.

So, i strongly believe that there is a justified reason as to why the religion (Islam) or the political system of (Sharia) is something to be concerned about, wary of the uninterpreted spread and to have an eagerness to stop the influx of unvetted refugees. Islamophobia is not a made up phenomenon as some would make you out to believe and there is in my opinion cause for concern amongst myself and the citizenry of many country around the world. From Burma, United Kingdom, France, Germany, China and many others.

i am to be putting forward a case with various sources and evidence collected from myself in the writing of this article, to help support my argument. Please also be aware that this is not for the faint hearts and some pieces of information may be very disturbing for the viewer to digest. I do not want to hear any emotional arguments nor "not all Muslims are like that" because i understand that already, i'm merely pointing out the evidence as i see it. Okay here goes......

 Child Grooming Gang

 Child sexual abuse takes many different forms: from sporadic child abductions, to organised child pornography rings, to abuse by parents or care-home staff. All of it is awful, and none of it should be ignored. The phenomenon of gangs of men who loiter with impunity around schoolgirls, luring them into a life of addiction and prostitution is a distinct category of child sexual abuse, but a category that the authorities in Britain have deliberately ignored for 25 years. They (media, government and the authorities) ignored it, despite it being a national agenda as far back as 2003. 

In my home country of the United Kingdom. It would seem that we have a rather big problem of Grooming gangs and, has been the case within the country as far back as the 1980s. Muslims account for 5% of the population here but are 154x more likelier to be the perpetrators of this particular crime then non Muslims......... It is also worth noting that there’s not been one case where the victims were of Muslim faith  and the paedophiles  non-Muslims. So let this shocking figure sink in as it is not to be taken lightly at all.

 To show the extent of the cover-up by the authorities and how their inadequacy failed to prevent more victims of abuse is as clear day in the following examples. During the Oxford Grooming Scandal, the mother of a child named Girl C, 13, at the time (identity is hidden for obvious reasons) had informed Social Services of her daughters sexual assault 9 YEARS before the grooming scandal became public knowledge and arrests were carried out en mass. Another example was where the Police 'hid' abuse of 60 girls by Asian takeaway workers linked to murder of 14-year-old. In another example, Julie Bindel, a brave lone voice from Mothers of Prevention group in 2007 brought forward information with the help of concerned parents including addresses, names, car registration and even photographs of the suspects in question to Yorkshire and Lancashire police. One mother was quoted as saying 

  They would not arrest Pakistani men for sexual offences, because it would start “a race riot” 

Another solution to the persistent "harassment" from concerned parents was to send letters to 70 men whom were “spending an unusual amount of time with young girls”, requiring them to sign the letter to indicate that the men knew the girls were beneath the age of consent. Bindel points out that the parents were so angry with the pathetic response by the police, that lawyers were instructed to seek lawful redress. This resulted in the biggest civil action suit brought against a police force for failing to protect children from sexual predators.

Political correctness which incorporates the doctrine of multiculturalism has become the main culprit behind the continuation of sexual exploitation of vulnerable school children with utmost impunity. The end result of the leftist policy of "See no evil, Hear no evil " and the destructive censorship by news outlets and authorities alike, helped to ensure the destruction of these girls life who were affected forever by the intense physical and psychological impact to the point of being  unbearable..... The catalogue of physical abuse suffered included: being scratched, choked, beaten, branded, gang raped, burnt, and sexually assaulted with knives and a baseball bat, one psychiatrist said “more than two-thirds had depression and post-traumatic stress disorders" and can you blame them? Can you really blame them?

i could go on forever. However, i shall just include a few more examples to emphasis my point and to highlight the sickening abuse that took place in a handful of convicted grooming cases.

The Child grooming gangs mainly targeted white children and many groomers have referenced them as "Easy Meat", due to the fact they're easier to capture and coerce into child prostitution. During the Oxford grooming scandals, none of the abusers had shown any remorse for their victims and to just show how much disregard and contempt they had is the story of an 11 year old girl "purchased" before her 11th birthday.

She was "Branded" (yes branded) with a hair pin twisted in an "M" shape (for Mohammed or the abusers initials. I'll let the audience decide) after her birthday. Falling into desperation with the promise of love, affection and marriage at 16 she became prostituted for the next 5 years loaned for £600 an hour at a time for sexual predators  up and down the country and any resistance was met with brute force. By age 12, she was sold for sex and was always drugged with heroine, alcohol and date rape drugs, to the point of being incapacitated and unable to function properly before doing the unspeakable. The victim by age 12 became pregnant with her captive's baby and had told him. He then beat her up violently and took her receive a backstreet abortion with a crochet hook and has been raped on numerous occasions with her captor and his friends with the victims dad just next door......... This is just a glimpse into the savage systematic abuse on a national scale.  (picture included of a Crochet hook in case you cannot visualise it.

The figures behind the facts

A news reporter by the name of Andrew Norfolk (who has been very outspoken about this matter) conducted a study from 1997 to 2011 about grooming gangs and is to have reported that out of the 17 cases unravelled the vast majority of the perpetrators where of Pakistani origin and the majority of victims white girls. 90% of the perps have Muslim names.......

Andrew has also reported upon the relatively low conviction rates amongst those involved in these crime rings.

It is a safe assumption to say that out of every convicted felon, there are at least 2-10 others who are equally involved, but owing to the the lack of evidence directly implicating themselves, never charged. Due to the fact conviction rates are beyond awful, violent intimidation and coercion is usually carried out to stop the victims testifying against their abuser. In one instance a child was contacted 350 times, to get her to withdraw her testimony. Or in other instances members of the Muslim community will attempt to botch the investigation. Where a female receptionist (boyfriend of one of the accused), attempted to access data on the victims and their families 60 times in 15 day time span, showing the extent in which the Muslim community will go to cover up for one another in these heinous acts. Even if it meant going against her "Motherly instinct".

Islam, Culture, Children and Sex

There is a documentary, that has recently been released titled "Dancing Boys for Afghanistan", depicting the ancient custom called "bacha bazi" (boy for play), where rich men buy boys as young as 11 from impoverished families for sexual slavery. The boys are dressed in women's clothes and made to dance and sing at parties, before being carted away by the men for sex. Owning boys is considered a symbol of status and a former warlord boasted of having up to 3,000 boys over a 20-year period, even though he was married, with two sons.  Pakistan also taken a liking to this tradition of pederasty as well.

Women, in particularly young girls, a seen as desirable in a lot of Middle Eastern countries and therefore child marriage is rampant. In Yemen, for example more than 25% of children aged 15 and below are caught up in child marriages, in Mali 39% or more are in child marriages 15 and below and in Niger and Chad, 70% of girls are married before 18. In Nigeria in the northern parts of the country which is predominantly Muslim has over 50% of girls in child marriages.

Although, in Islam child marriage is not condoned in the religion and there is no direct reference of it ever being acceptable. However, one way that it does indirectly condone it is by the prophet Mohammed whom had married his wife at 6 years old and consummated the marriage at 9 and engaged in sexual activity with her. The Quran verse 4.6 outlines the start of puberty as being borderline between childhood and adulthood which is typically 8-13yo. Due to this fact Muslims do inherently follow their prophet some more stricter than others, some do seek solace in such activity and following in his footsteps in lockstep with other Muslim.

So in my opinion it isn't a huge jump for members of society to have a genuine concern over the ever increasing expansion of Islam into Europe, as seen who the recent spat of gang rape incidents (by foreign invaders some would argue) and the turning of the once great country of Sweden into the rape capital of Europe through uncontrolled, unvetted immigration policy. This is a warning to over countries around the world.

Tomorrow i'm going to be writing another article discussing each of the grooming cases in more depth as well as the history and a bit of a backdrop into the religion. There is still plenty more to talk about and had pierced the surface on the events that transpired in each of the tragic cases engulfing school girls and shall inform you accordingly.

 This post is very much open for discussion, so feel free to let me know your thoughts and opinions (not your feelings in this matter).

If you enjoyed what you read and thought this information was valuable to you in any way. Then......... 

To Follow and Resteem if you felt this post was beneficial to you!! Happy Steeming 

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