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RE: DMV: A Study in Stupidity

in #government8 years ago

Larken, I find it very disingenuous / hypocritical of you to preach one thing and then do the complete opposite. I mean, you preach against government control and a slave mentality and then do exactly what the government demands its slaves to do. In other words, you preach an anti-government, anti-slave message and then go out and do exactly what a good little slave is ordered to do and get a “DRIVERS LICENSE”, which is nothing more than a PERMISSION slip (from your political masters) to travel in your own private vehicle.

You have a lot of followers Larken, and they hold on to every word you preach, but you are NOT living up to the message that you preach, or leading by example by practicing what you preach. What kind of example are you setting by doing the opposite of what you preach? If you’re going to do the very things you preach against... your words become meaningless. I’m surprised that NO one has called you on this already.

What’s the purpose of all the preaching if you’re going to do that which you condemn and preach against? It’s meaningless... Don’t you agree? If I told my child that smoking was bad for not only himself but society as a whole, and then lit up a cigarette after each and every meal, what kind of example would that be setting and what credibility would it give to my words? None Larken... absolutely none!

You have thousands of followers, Larken. Whose going to lead the way by living up to the message that you preach? Who going to set the example? Who going to starting ignoring government out-of-business as you propose in your messages? That’s your responsibility Larken! As the person preaching the message you have a MORAL responsibility to lead the way by practicing exactly what you preach. Heck, if the person preaching the message is NOT living up to the message, then the message is meaningless.

To preach that government should be ignored out-of-existence and then to acknowledge government’s authority and existence by obeying what government tells you to do sends the message that government is an authority that should be obeyed and NOT ignored. It sends the wrong message Larken... so when are you going to start living your message and ignoring government out-of-business?

Your hypocritical actions will also cause your followers to continue acknowledging government by obeying government’s mandates, so government will NEVER go away, as you claim in your messages. The only way to make it go away is to start ignoring it out-of-existence, as you propose. Otherwise, nothing will change.

And since you’re the one preaching the message of ignoring government out-of-existence you have the moral RESPONSIBILITY to lead the way. Anything short of that is hypocritical and useless... When do you intend to start leading the way? It’s your message so you should be leading the way. Just preaching a message and not living the message is meaningless...

I mean, I preach against the filth of homosexuality and therefore do NOTHING to advance, condone, enhance or support the filth of homosexuality in anyway. Therefore, I practice what I preach... I live up to the message that I put forth. How about you Larken? Why aren’t you living the message that you preach?

Why don’t you start practicing what you preach by NOT obeying the mandates of government so government will go away? Why don’t you practice what you preach by leading the way in ignoring government out-of-existence? Otherwise, you’re wasting everyone’s time by blowing hot air... remember, hypocrites NEVER change anything because their followers NEVER get anything done and that’s because they follow the lead of the lying hypocrite who never does anything himself but talk. You see, hypocrites talk the talk but producers walk the walk... When are you actually going to stop talking the talk Larken, and begin walking the walk by walking the talk?

People are watching Larken... they want to see more than mere talk... they want to see action... they want to see the preacher (Larken Rose) practice what he preach. If you don’t live up to your message and practice what you preach then you’re just another useless HYPOCRITE spewing a lot of hot air and promoting a useless, meaningless message of nothing... it’s just that simple.

Practice what you preach and begin ignoring government out-of-existence. Stop paying for their ability to control you... I have a post wherein you admit to paying taxes and obeying other governmental mandates, thereby supporting government and its policies... you support those policies because you pay for government’s existence.... Walk the walk Larken and lose the useless talk.

I expect a harsh reply because, as usual, I’ve touched a very tender spot in your heart. Nevertheless, be careful in your response, as any emotional out-burst will NOT look well for you. Thanks.


I agree. Publishing this has done more damage than good. People are following you Larken. Change is about action and nothing else.

Will leave this here for anybody who is interested in not using the corporate issued, driver permission cards. According to Common Law (which applies to sovereign people, AKA non-corporate entities), there is no such thing as a drivers license..

"There is no such license known to Texas Law as a “driver's license”" [Frank John Callas v. State, 167 Tex. Crim. 375; 320 S.W. 2D 360.

"We have held that there is no such license as a driver's license known to our law" [Claude D. Campbell v. State, 160 Tex. Crim. 627; 274 S.W 2d 401].

"An information charging the driving of a motor vehicle upon a public highway without a driver's license charges no offence, as there is no such driver's license know to the law" [Keith Brooks v. State 158 Tex. Crim. 546; 258 S.W. 2D 317].

"There being no such license as a “driver's” license known to the law, it follows that the information, in charging the driving of a motor vehicle upon a highway without a license, charges no offence" [W. Lee Hassell v. The State, 149 Tex Crim. 333; 194 S.W. 2D 400].

The reason it is not law is because it is “United States” fictitious color of law. It applies to their US citizen slave corporation. NOT to sovereign individuals. Watch this video to learn more:

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