Bitcoin People Pushing For Government Permission Should Be Very Ashamed Of Themselves

in #government8 years ago (edited)

"Remove "like"; it IS one, just worse."

Anyone Who Wants Government To "OK" Crypto Is A Traitor To Humanity

Stop bending backwards and taking it in the ass by violent thugs who destroy humanity. Work OUTSIDE the realm of government, for they will fuck you up as soon as they get their chance to do so. Don't propose government integration with your blockchain projects. Don't ask for permission to use Bitcoin in your specific country – use it anyway, but without government means of transaction (banks, bank cards, etc,) and stop suggesting and even WANTING Bitcoin regulation – what, are you some kind of masochist?

No. Fuck all of this shit. Don't you understand what Bitcoin is? Don't you understand what crypto is? It is not there for you to try and make it "official" by going to some parasite government official, asking him if he can give you permission or make your project official. Go fuck yourself if you do this.

"A psychopath isn't interested in your freedom-inducing crypto project, so stop acting like it."

The Bully And The Submissive

If I gave you a solution which gave you the possibility to avoid the mafia, would you go back to the mafia and start asking them for their blessings and permission to apply that solution? What kind of crazy person are you? Something is very wrong with you if you think this way. No doubt that you suffer from severe cognitive dissonance coming straight out of childhood from your disgusting abusive parents, so deal with it; don't take the only way you can AVOID the mafia and go to the mafia and ask them if you can use it.

THE PURPOSE OF BITCOIN IS TO DESTROY GOVERNMENT! Can you please get this through your head?

If you've been bullied for 5 years in school, but then you finally start working out, learn martial arts and become stronger than your bully and can beat him the fuck up, do you go and ask the same bully to be "OK" with this solution of yours? Do you ask for his permission to use it as a way to stand up for yourself as a human being? Do you ask him if it's OK that you act in self defense the next time he bullies you and beat his teeth in?

This is the exact same scenario as Bitcoin vs. the state. Bitcoin is the solution to finally punch in the teeth of government and cripple him so that he doesn't touch you again. Anything else is masochistic and you suffer from SEVERE mental problems if you think otherwise.

"This guy does not care for your proposals for integration and cooperation in the school yard."

Adapting To The Parasite Entering Your Body Crevices

Create decentralized exchanges. Create platforms on which people can anonymously connect for Bitcoin and alt-coin face-to-face trades.

  • Don't integrate with government policy.
  • Don't suck up to bureaucrats, begging them to OK your blockchain project.
  • Stop complying. Find other solutions to stop the government from fucking everyone up.
  • Stop using CoinBase where you leave a paper trail after every single trade which the IRS WILL and DOES use to fuck you in your ass.
  • Start engaging with Bitcoin traders and make private deals, using cash or other means that don't leave paper trails for the government to sniff up and stuff up in your ass.

"Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't want this thing at my dinner party."

Cancer Is Not Your Friend

Government is the cancer of violence that is destroying the world, human civilization and the foundations of what mankind really is.

Bitcoin was created to stop government, not fucking cooperate with it. Do you cooperate with a school bully? No, you remove his teeth using bloody blows applied to the cranium. Stop it. Anyone within the crypto community who pushes for government integration is a traitor to the human species, since crypto's main function is to fuck government in the fucking ass and release humanity from the plague that is government and its paradises, which is everyone that works for government, anyone who "survives" (as if you need government, fucking retards) on government blood money, taken from humanity from the barrel of a gun.

Bitcoin shall not become "an official currency of a country and integrate with government policy". No. Bitcoin is here to fuck government up and shove a pool cue up its ass, release humanity from the cancer that is the state and free humanity from this demon that casts its evil upon Tellus.

So stop being appeasers. You know what to do. You know what's up. Don't tell me you don't, because I know you do. You don't tell the mafia about your new mafia-repellent invention. If you do, then you have betrayed humanity.

"The purpose of government is to fuck you, fuck you and... fuck you. And fuck you and fuck you and fuck you. And then some."


There's a reason why Satoshi Nakamoto is anonymous, and it's NOT because he thinks the government will be OK with his government-annihilating magical chain of beautiful blocks. He knew what was up, and he created this thing for us to use as means to finally be able to fuck the final boss of life: The state. Ask yourselves this: Do you try to befriend the last boss in a video game? No? Okay, well, then stop being so dumb in real life – the place where it truly matters; the only place it can matter. Humanity doesn't have time for your stupidity.

"A man that invents a mafia-repellent substance doesn't go and tell them about it."


Unless that game is undertale. Lol
Seriously though you're totally right about this. I'm sure the real Nakamoto died several years ago as some shady dudes snuck out of his house. Even when it first appeared Bitcoin was a disruptive technology, and it's even more so today. All the government's have been scrabbling to control it out destroy it from day 1. I don't trust their welcoming arms, for they clutch daggers.

Yeah. "Trusting government" is the equivalent of trusting the junkie who needs his next dose while you have his heroin in your pocket, and he comes to hug you. But he has a dagger on the inside of his coat...

SteemSwede approves this message 👍

And crashsen approves you!

Tell em how it iiis! haha yes, great read thank you for this.

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