50 dag mąki
8 dag tłuszczu (margaryny)
15 dag cukru
proszek waniliowy lub 1/4 laski wanilii
2 jaja lub 4 żółtka
10 g soli amonowej (węglanu amonu)
3/4 szklanki mleka
mąka do posypania blachy
Oddzielić trochę mąki na podsypanie. Posiekać tłuszcz z mąką, wymieszać z cukrem, dodać proszek waniliowy lub startą wanilię. Rozpuścić sól amonową w ciepłym mleku, mieszając. Ciasto zagnieść z jajami i rozpuszczoną w mleku solą amonową, rzadsze niż na kluski, wyrobić je, wyłożyć na talerz posypany mąką, nakryć, wynieść na zimno na noc. Na drugi dzień, gdy ciasto zbyt twarde, rozrzedzić je mlekiem, podzielić na 2 części, wywałkować, nakłuć w wielu miejscach, wykrawać foremkami upiec na kolor jasnozłoty w dobrze ogrzanym piekarniku.
Downvoted for bid bot misuse @steemflagrewards
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Over-promoted content generally points to low quality content or self-aggrandizing trending spot hogging
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lol za dużo cukru, downvoted.
He baselessly claims it is a "ponzi scheme" which just shows that either he doesn't understand how it works or (more likely) he just doesn't understand what a ponzi scheme even is! And the blatant hypocrisy in him trying to fight "vote selling" when that is exactly what he did with his bidbot! As as bidbot owner with over a dozen alt accounts he is in no place to judge what is right or wrong here on Steem. Now he is mad that his scam has ended. So like an upset child, he has decided to take out his anger (caused only by his own failures) on other innocent people. Making him nothing more than a big bully!
MK admits to running a bidbot
Actual account who was "wrecked by @mmmmkkkk311 (for holding sbi shares)"
I am here to counter @mmmmkkkk311's bullying. I will upvote every post/comment that he downvotes. You can support my anti bullying upvotes by delegating (links below) Steem Power to @ilovemk311. And you can help keep this message visible by upvoting this comment or by purchasing SBI shares for @mk311isabully which will help to counter the downvotes that @mmmmkkkk311 will surely send my way. Which I highly encourage him to do as the more downvoting power he wastes on me the less he can use to downvote the real content creators here on Steem that would otherwise become his victims!
Choose a delegation amount
5 | 10 | 20 | 50 | 100 | 500 | 1000
With this jerk bullying innocent people we are seeing many great content creators leave due to the drama and negativity that @mmmmkkkk311's downvote campaign brings to the blockchain. While he claims he is trying to defend his investment he is actually unwittingly destroying it.
SBI is an initiative that has done nothing but help promote onboarding and community building here on the Steem blockchain. Let us not turn our back on it out of fear for getting downvoted. Instead lets stand up for this great initiative that has helped so many people and helped the Steem community to grow and thrive!