Nope... I been part of that since week 3. It has had a whole new batch pretty much every week. Also there hasnt been any updates on it. We started got16s in an off week and done episodes the two times there was no #rapchallenge. #Got16s is not a weekly thing. I hope all is good with @rondonson.
But i saw a lot of rappers and now they are gone. Most of them probably left the platform after getting discouraged.
Nope... I been part of that since week 3. It has had a whole new batch pretty much every week. Also there hasnt been any updates on it. We started got16s in an off week and done episodes the two times there was no #rapchallenge. #Got16s is not a weekly thing. I hope all is good with @rondonson.
But i saw a lot of rappers and now they are gone. Most of them probably left the platform after getting discouraged.
I hope no one got discouraged. We need more rappers so we can get this challenge going, what ever happened to @rondonson rap you know?