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RE: Game of Thrones thoughts!

in #got7 years ago

As a mega Game of Thrones fan here are my thoughts....

Sansa was annoying as usual. She needs to shut up and be more tactful when she gives Jon her opinion. You dont question your new King in front of the whole North and the Gods (the old and the new). She is gonna cause a lot of problems if she doesnt learn to zip it. But at least she admitted that she has learned a lot from Cersei.

I hope that by some miracle Little Finger gets what he wants (I think he is the best because he wasnt really high born and obtained power with his wits).

I think Arya was pretty bad ass, but I feel in my gut she is going to die this season.

I loved the new song "a womans hands are warm"

Its creepy that the hound can now see things in the fire when he was so afraid of it before. I feel he should have been more reluctant to look into its flames.... that was a bit of a plot hole to me.

I love that the Lannisters and the iron born are coming together. Two great and brutal families. (Big Lannister fan here.... idc what anyone thinks)

It was good to see Sam an Gilly still together like a pseudo family.

As far as Danny goes, if she was smart she would stay in Dragonstone and let the walkers destroy Westeros and then swoop in with her surplus of dragonglass and save the day after the walkers have broken the wheel for her..... but she wont. I think the Iron fleet will really do a number on her ships.


Lol i couldnt agree more on sansa.... then again i never liked her character or story arch... so im not suprised i continue to not like it :P... she doesnt seem to have any principles

The hound is probably one of my favorite minor characters; his story arch is so simple yet im always wanting to know more of his story, but yeah i agree he didnt really put up a fight with the fire.... but then again... the plot might not have moved foward if he put up a huge fight over it.

Thank you for your very thoughtfilled comment though!

P.s. I never liked sam's story.... they give him WAY too much screen time for my like'ing lol