🔴EXCERPT FROM TODAY'S "YOUR LOVEWORLD SPECIALS SEASON 3 PHASE 3 - DAY 4" WITH PASTOR CHRIS OYAKHILOME DSc. DD📌The Man of God Rev. (Dr) Chris Oyakhilome points God’s people to the infallible truth of God’s Word as he continues his expose on the subject: THE LIFE OF THE SAINTS.
✍️ The world is being prepared more than any other time in it’s history for all that will happen after the rapture. You have to be deliberately ignorant, or blind to be oblivious of all the happenings and their significance.
✍ "This body of Christ was given by all evidence in the scriptures, two thousand years to function on the earth. The one thousand years which is called the millenial reign, Jesus will be in the earthly Jerusalem reigning here on the earth."
✍Just because its God's will doesn't mean it will happen. Man always has a role to play in bringing God's will to pass.
✍The Bible usese words such as the beast, and a man of lawlessness to describe the antichrist.
✍We are ambassadors of Christ, Christ has reconciled us to himself, through you He is saying to the prisoners of darkness come out.
✍️ After the rapture of the Church there are several raptures that will take place. Rapture of 144,000 Jews, the two witnesses and the rapture of the great multitude that came out of the nations of the earth.
✍️We are not dealing with human persons, we are dealing with the spirits behind them.
✍"What has already been done you don’t have to be praying for. We have come into the light; we have come into Christ and in Christ these blessings are here."
✍"I told you during the millennial men can still behave badly. As a reminder of what will happen if they behave badly they will be taken to view the lake of fire." God Bless You.📌The Man of God Rev. (Dr) Chris Oyakhilome points God’s people to the infallible truth of God’s Word as he continues his expose on the subject: THE LIFE OF THE SAINTS.✍️ The world is being prepared more than any other time in it’s history for all that will happen after the rapture. You have to be deliberately ignorant, or blind to be oblivious of all the happenings and their significance.✍ "This body of Christ was given by all evidence in the scriptures, two thousand years to function on the earth. The one thousand years which is called the millenial reign, Jesus will be in the earthly Jerusalem reigning here on the earth." ✍Just because its God's will doesn't mean it will happen. Man always has a role to play in bringing God's will to pass. ✍The Bible usese words such as the beast, and a man of lawlessness to describe the antichrist.✍We are ambassadors of Christ, Christ has reconciled us to himself, through you He is saying to the prisoners of darkness come out. ✍️ After the rapture of the Church there are several raptures that will take place. Rapture of 144,000 Jews, the two witnesses and the rapture of the great multitude that came out of the nations of the earth.✍️We are not dealing with human persons, we are dealing with the spirits behind them.✍"What has already been done you don’t have to be praying for. We have come into the light; we have come into Christ and in Christ these blessings are here."✍"I told you during the millennial men can still behave badly. As a reminder of what will happen if they behave badly they will be taken to view the lake of fire." God Bless You.