And hope maketh not ashamed; because the love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us. Romans 5:5
Yesterday we looked at the types of love and just how the Holy Spirit helps us to manifest the agape love of God. To further elaborate on that point, lets take a look again at our verse. We realize that the Holy Spirit helps shed his love abroad in our hearts. This is important because human beings like you and I tend to set a lot of boundaries or 'borders' to the extent of our love.
We say things like, "I can forgive a lot of stuff but as for this particular thing I can't forgive." or " How can I show love to someone I don't know?" All these are boundaries we place on our love but its important we recognize that these limitations are not to be normal to the born again Christian neither are they justified by God. That is why the Holy Spirit is given to us. That He may take our love beyond those borders.
I believe we may have qexperienced certain instances where we were so under the influence of the Spirit that we were able to show certain acts of kindness that later on marvelled us. That was the Holy Spirit taking your love abroad and that's how its always supposed to be. Let's be constantly filled with the Holy Spirit that he may take us from being local champions in showing love to so loving the world just as God did.
- Begin to renew your mind concerning the extent of your love. Take away all the limitations you've set as to what you can and cannot do.
- Daily commune with the Holy Spirit that you may overflow with the love of God.
Father continually shed your love abroad in my heart.