How to create scenes on Google Home and control multiple devices at the same time
One of the best ways to use Google Home and, therefore, Google Assistant, is what is known as scenes or routines, which is nothing more than predetermined reactions to certain commands that we tell you. We can also create our own so that the system responds in the exact way we want.
It is very comfortable when we say something to our Google Home and through the Assistant, it manages to react to what we have said or marked.
But there are also certain routines that we can use. That is, they are not specific orders, but phrases that we can use every day and for which the system already knows what to do.
Routines are a series of tasks that Google Assistant will carry out just by listening to a voice command since it already knows exactly what to do when listening according to which phrase.
The scenes are an almost fundamental part for the operation of Google Home to be much more complete, since it makes the difference between a device that is only intelligent when we order it, to one that is capable of knowing what we want at all times.
Configure with predefined routines
To configure routines that are already predetermined, you have to perform a series of steps in Google Home, something quite simple.
Luckily, whether we have an Android or an iPhone linked, there will be no difference when configuring these types of scenes.
We open the Google Home application on the mobile.
We touch on Routines and then choose the routine you want to modify.
Predefined routines, that is, those that are already created, have fixed triggers that cannot be removed.
If we want to add another trigger, based on the routines already created, click When I tell the Assistant and then Add another to finally click on Done.
We return to the Routines screen and it is time to click on Add action.
Now we choose a routine category, choose an action, and click on Done.
Finally, it only remains to click on Save.
Default routines
Several scenes are already predetermined and cannot be modified, although we can, as we have seen in the previous section, use them to carry out this task with another command.
Those that have already been defined by the system are extremely useful since they encompass a good number of situations.
Laborable day
This routine automatically remembers a series of things that you must do throughout a workday. It is a good way to remember certain tasks that we may forget.
The wizard will be able to perform the following tasks:
Tell us the time regularly throughout the day so that we don't miss any meetings.
Inform us of our agenda for the day.
Give information about our personalized reminders.
Announce messages through the device at a defined time such as it's time to stand up and stretch, don't forget to wash your hands, go have a snack, go have a glass of water or it's time to finish work and take advantage of the late, among many other messages.
Good Morning
By saying Hey Google, good morning, the assistant will be able to perform a series of actions that are already pre-marked.
These are:
Deactivate the silent mode of your mobile (only if it is started with an Android device).
Adjust lights, outlets, thermostats, and other appliances.
Give you information about the day such as weather information, travel, calendar, reminders, etc.
Adjust the volume of multimedia content.
You can also play music, news, radio, podcasts, or audiobooks.