Optimise Google Ads with these 5 methods

in #googleads2 years ago

1. Words with a negative meaning

Negative keyword lists are something that often go unnoticed or unmanaged because of this oversight. Consider a wide match word like “+best +watches”; you may be shocked to see how much of the search traffic isn’t really useful to your company and how much it hinders the success of your whole campaign. If the only watches your company offers for sale are those for adult males, you will be dismayed to learn that many of your customers are looking for children’s or women’s watches. There are two basic reasons why negative keywords are highly advantageous. Both of these reasons are listed below.

  • The main reason is that you will waste money on clicks that don’t lead to sales. For example, if someone clicks on your ad looking for a kid’s watch and finds out that you don’t sell any, they won’t buy anything from you.
  • The second reason is that doing so would bring the overall performance of the campaign to a halt and may lower the quality score you now have.

The predicted CTR, the experience of landing page, and the relevancy of the ad are the three components that make up the quality score. If you show up for an ad but don’t have the product or service the customer wants, they will either not click (CTR) or quickly leave your site (landing page experience), which can hurt your quality score. It is normally recommended that you go over the reports generated by your search queries at least once or twice every month in order to identify any new negative keywords that you should include. If you haven’t updated your negative keyword lists in a while, doing so will certainly result in cost savings and quality score increases for your campaign. Please refer to our page on negative keywords for more information.

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2. Advertisement Rotation

Writing effective ad text takes skill, but Google and other ad networks provide resources to help you hone your approach to the craft. It’s possible that your existing ad groups only include one or two advertisements, and that you haven’t changed those ads in quite some time. Changing to ad rotation optimization might be much more profitable in the long run than just modernising your ad wording, which could be considered a smart idea in and of itself.

Let’s pretend we’re running two advertisements in the same ad group, and although both of them get 500 monthly impressions, one of them has a far higher click-through rate and conversion rate than the other. Although we could disable the ad that is doing the worst, doing so may take a considerable amount of time across all of our ad groups. For this reason, we should consider using ad rotation optimization instead. With this option enabled on your Google Ads account, Google can automatically switch between several ad frequency settings to find the one that works best for each individual ad.

In our two-ad example, Google may display the better ad 75% of the time and the other 25% to increase the ad group’s performance. You may use this automated tool as a method to test more than just two different pieces of advertisement text if you so like. You are free to include three or four advertisements in the mix and monitor how well they work, safe in the knowledge that rotating the advertisements will also maximise their effectiveness overall.

Using ad rotation optimization can lighten the load of managing ad copy and open the door to testing more variants of ad copy more frequently. You can begin making use of this feature right away by activating ad rotation optimization either at the level of the individual ad group or at the level of the campaign.

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3. Automated Placing of Bids

Automated bidding is another another fantastic automation option that can be found on Google and other advertising networks. Manual bidding may be inefficient since it requires you to figure out the ideal bids for each term in your account while also balancing the ebb and flow of competition and business cycles. Automated bidding options, which may greatly improve the efficiency and profitability of our campaigns, are now at our disposal.

You are able to optimise towards a variety of different objectives, based on the result that you want to achieve, using Google’s Smart Bidding, which is an automated bidding solution. Bids may be adjusted to accomplish a variety of goals, including a boost in site traffic, a larger proportion of impressions, more conversions at a fixed cost per acquisition, and more. You should have a budget in place to prevent your expenditure from spiralling out of control if you want to optimise for conversions or another measure.

Starting with a Target CPA or Target ROAS may help guarantee that your investment is producing the anticipated results. Google’s Smart Bidding documentation details the various settings and configuration choices.

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4. Attribution Based on Data

Conversion tracking should ideally start with the last-click approach, which is the one most people use. Depending on the specifics of your organisation, you may wish to branch out into additional attribution approaches as you progress in sponsored search.

For example, if you offer wedding bands online, which are both expensive and a big purchase, your customers would likely undertake extensive research before making a purchase. If a consumer is looking for wedding rings, they may do a search for “best wedding rings,” come across your site, and then leave without making a purchase.

After looking at a number of other websites and giving it some more thinking, they come to the conclusion that the offering you provided was the greatest. As a result, they look for your brand and make their purchase on your website.

You may believe that your first search ad was ineffective since it didn’t lead to a conversion in a last-click environment, but you and I both know that if we hadn’t shown in response to that search, the consumer may never have discovered our brand or made a purchase from us. This is when it helps to use different kinds of attribution.

To compare conversion rates between the last-click and Google’s data-driven approaches, you may use a report and tool from Google called Data-Driven Attribution. To configure data-driven attribution for your account, navigate to Tools > Conversions > Edit Settings > Attribution Model > Data-driven attribution. This will take you to a screen where you can configure the relevant settings. Check out Google’s explanation on data-driven attribution if you’re interested.

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5. Examining

Our previous four suggestions focused on particular tools or techniques for sponsored search, but our fifth is a more general one for maximising the efficacy of your campaigns overall. The next piece of advice is to do more tests in all areas of sponsored search.

By implementing small changes and seeing how they affect your account, you may get valuable insights about your consumers and discover new methods to improve your paid search performance. Some ads and landing pages may perform better for some accounts than others. Only through testing can you find out what works best for your target market and your company.

In order to build experiments with your preferred search engine, you may utilise Google’s Draft & Experiments option. Larger tests should be done at least once a quarter, while smaller ones may run more regularly.

Ad copy employing ad rotation is a good example of a smaller test that might run more often. Ad rotation is a low-fidelity method of testing and improving ad text over time.

Drafts & Experiments could be useful for more extensive experiments, such as those involving new landing pages, elaborate experimentation design, and rollout.

You may learn a lot and move your company ahead by putting several variations of landing pages, ads, and audience lists to the test.

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