Lots of practical instructions coming up...
I like to write about VPN services and VPN providers, but there is a limit to how much you can write about such a topic. As a result, I also enjoy writing about easy but useful things, such as how to solve problems you meet daily when you sit in front of a computer or use a cell phone.
For example, today I discovered that I had $14 in my Google account. The problem is that the Google account is registered in the USA, and I am not allowed to use it for in-game purchases. So, what can I do with the money? I can buy movies and books and games in the Google Play Store. But, I do not really need or want to do that. But, reading a book is always useful and that is why I bought this book about the Linux Command Line.
But, I do hate reading on my computer or my cell phone as the screens are not very friendly to your eyes. So, is it possible to buy a book on Google Play Books and then have it transferred to my Kindle? That was the question I had and, of course, I found a solution. You can read more about how to download and transfer Google Play Books to Kindle in this article.
Isn't that useful? I have several other ideas coming up later today for other useful articles, so I will do my best to be a busy bee today and produce lots of useful content that I believe will bless and help others.
I will, of course, write about VPN providers as well, but that will be in between all the other stuff.