"Don't Be Evil.. That's Our Job" - Uncovering the dark side of Google ("Goo Ghoul") - Part 2 - A collection of Deep State operations in disguise

in #google7 years ago (edited)


In the previous post in this series, we showed that Google is a creation of the CIA, NSA, DARPA, and just about every other Deep State intelligence agency in the US. This is likely the reason that they've decided to change their name to Alphabet (meaning "alphabet agencies") and are now in the process of creating some of the most Orwellian projects imaginable. At the end of the day, Google wants to have insight and influence in as many parts of your life as possible. This is not just to make money, this is to own the data and tools that control your day-to-day existence. This has been the plan for Google from the beginning.

Google, in my conclusion, is not a Silicon Valley start up that just happened to get some funding from the Deep State so that they can provide user data to the Deep State agencies. You need to turn this simplistic view on its head. Instead, Google / Alphabet is from top-to-bottom a collection of Deep State operations that has put on the veneer of being an incredibly successful Silicon Valley startup. This means that although the vast majority of people that work for Google think they work for a standard Silicon Valley company doing leading edge tech projects, they are in fact a fully owned, Deep State operated enterprise. From their very inception, Google's intent has been to make boatloads of money for the Deep State while providing the perfect cover for taking technocratic control of the world with plausible deniability. Let that sink in, because it's a very scary thought. This is why Google is getting into every type of business and project imaginable (including loads of secret projects) that are applying new Orwellian technologies. It is also why Google X acquired Boston Dynamics, the producer of military robots.

Let's take this a step further and also realize that Silicon Valley in general may be owned top to bottom by the Deep State. I don't mean that they influence the Valley. I don't mean that they previously funded these companies. I mean that the Deep State fully owns, funds, and operates a number of Silicon Valley (and potentially Salish Sea) companies that sell their products as standard corporate products around the world. In my view, Google / Alphabet / YouTube, Facebook, Palantir, and Amazon are, at a minimum, Deep State owned and run operations. However, it could also easily include many other common names like Intel (like "gathering intel"), Twitter, PayPal, SpaceX, Tesla, Oracle, D-Wave, HP, Microsoft, Apple, etc. as fully owned and operated Deep State operations. To you and me as well as the vast majority of their employees, these look like incredibly successful Bay Area startups that just happened to make it big - some of the biggest American entrepreneurial success stories ever. When in fact these companies have been fully financially supported by the Deep State behind the scenes to bring them to their massive global success and market valuations. This is so that they can run their global spying and manipulation operations through them while still claiming that they are just corporations and not intelligence agency assets.

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Alphabet agency wet dreams

If you have a closer look at the people and projects behind Google / Alphabet, you can start to see in far more detail what these guys are really after. What you need to remember when looking at these projects is that they are designed to appear innocuous and all about creating great new tech to make people's lives easier. What you need to remember however is that they have to have these plausible cover stories to be successful. The are not going to have CIA stamped on their employees t-shirts and talk to the general public about controlling the mass populace in every aspect of their lives from cradle to grave (and across every country globally). Instead they will sell you on cool tech that they are working on like running smart homes (Nest), creating the smart grid with WiFi / 5G internet access balloons (Project Loon), drones for delivering and monitoring everything (Google X), smart cars that drive you around (Waymo), AI projects (Google Brain), Google life sciences for bio-monitoring / metrics (Verily) and creating smart glasses to direct you around and provide instant information on your environment (Google X). What these "Google Glassholes" are really up to is inserting themselves between you and the most intimate parts of your life so that they can spy on and manipulate you in every way possible. At first it starts with passive monitoring and big data acquisition, but very slowly (as is now happening with YouTube and Google Search), the Ministry of Truth will step in to actively control what you think and do.

Let's have an additional quick look at the ominously named "Google X". The first thing that you should know is that Google X is run by someone that of course has no connection to the Deep State whatsoever.. just kidding. Google X is run by Astro Teller. Astro Teller is the grandson of Edward Teller, the father of the Hydrogen Bomb, one of the first big pushers of the fake climate change agenda, and the inspiration for Stanley Kubrick's Doctor Strangelove character. Another of Astro's grandfathers is Gérard Debreu who was a University of Chicago, Yale, and Stanford alumnus as well as a California Berkley economics professor that just happened to have a Rockefeller Fellowship, received a Nobel prize, and worked for the Stanford Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Science. Astro himself of course also went to Stanford University and focused on AI there and at Carnegie Mellon. His family as well as his background screams both "globalist" and "CIA spooks" in a far more elitist way than Sergey Brin's background ever could. With this in mind, you should be asking yourself what Astro Teller is really there to do and what all the projects at Google X are really after.

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Coming for you.jpg

Combining big data, military robotics, and AI: what could go wrong?

Boston Dynamics was acquired by Google X in 2013. Boston Dynamics specialty has been the creation of military robots for DARPA projects. They've created both quadruped robots like Big Dog and Cheetah as as biped robots like PETMAN Atlas that look like animals and humans respectively. They also have a new wheeled biped robot called Handle. The thing you need to ask yourself is why Google would want to acquire a military robotics producer. Google X has recently sold Boston Dynamics to a Japanese company called SoftBank, but what we don't know is what proprietary technology Google X acquired from them in the meantime and what they plan to do with it. They certainly didn't acquire them just so that they could sell them off. They had a serious plan that involved military level robotics.

So let's just put two and two together. You have a company conceived, funded, and run by the Deep State - Google / Alphabet. You have a number of Deep State connected characters running this organization - Sergey Brin, Eric Schmidt, Astro Teller, and likely Larry Page along with numerous others as well. The Deep State characters running this organization (and their close relatives) have had major backgrounds in big data, data collection and classification (read data spying), behavioral modification, AI, military robots, and lots more ominous topics. They run a company that intends to put themselves in every office, every home, every automobile, in the sky, on your face, on your wrist, and for that matter plan to even monitor your biology / vitals on a moment to moment basis (telling them exactly what stimuli you subconsciously respond to - whether you realize it or not). What could go wrong? Pretty much everything..

Frankly, if you haven't stopped using Google products and services already you have a latent death wish. Sadly however, Google is just one of the biggest names in this collection of Deep State led organizations. As stated before the most likely companion organizations in this Deep State societal manipulation game are Facebook, Palantir, and Amazon, but it could very easily include all of Silicon Valley. I wish I could tell you that there was a better way to stop these organizations other than inform yourselves, friends, and families to minimally stop supporting Google, Facebook, and Amazon, but I don't have another proposal.

In the next post in this series, I will cover the Luciferian and Freemasonic symbolism that Google is using along with other disturbing connections they have. In the meantime, I suggest you have a watch of the extremely interesting documentary below on how Google and other related companies and technologies are spying on and manipulating us.

Please do leave your your additional insights and comments in the section below.


An interesting theory i have heard.
That the deep state are bringing its research and development teams back from overseas.
And that silicon valley is already busting at the seams, so they needed room to expand.

Then, guess what? Like lots of the surrounding area just ... burned down.

It wouldn't surprise me. These guys certainly don't care about the consequences of their actions on others so burning down the surrounding area would be par for the course.

Very nice coverage, I sure will inform my close ones, and I´ve had a bad feeling about google for a while, statistics is getting hard to find ^^ and the ties to CIA etc, scary!

I am trying Presearch and removed google as an alternative, give it a try, it even has some block chain token tech behind it, haven't looked to close at it!


Thanks a lot - also for the Presearch recommendation. I will certainly try out Presearch. We need a lot more good alternatives to allow us to get away from the Deep State platforms that are being pushed at us. I hope Presearch is one of these longer term alternatives.

Don't forget to check Github and who is the owner of it. You might be surprised - it's a brother of the US' most known son-in-law. I guess it's pretty much the same elsewhere.
I guess, every living being is considered a big data (so there might be other Palantirs elsewhere to crunch all that data collected by cameras, MEMS; GEMS, satellites, and other more ordinary sources). But for the time being, we can use what we have to inform each other about what has begotten us humans and other living beings.

Thanks for the heads up. The problem is who you can trust. The more I dig into the past of most of the major online organizations and people, the more concerned I get as to the agenda behind them. You really need to investigate the backgrounds of all the major organizations - open source or not. Most people never do this.

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