[GOGL] will be issued and activated over a private Blockchain in the event of a near
Coin Value: will be set to the Dollar value at the day of issuance and will be allowed to fluctuate
Number Of Coins: First issue cycle - The estimated Dollar value of Google holdings x 2 (on the day of issuing)
Issue Policy: New coins may be issued Each quarter based on last quarter growth of total productions of all users x 2 ( "GDP" of GOGL users x 2 )
Coin's Reserve Policy: 1/2 of total coins will be held by the issuer (Google) to allow full control on monetary policy with existing funds.
Distribution Policy: Coins will enter the market as an interest free credit, as direct payment for services and labor and directly into the market according to stated volatility target
Volatility Target: +0.01. Google coin management authorities will control the market's volatility to the stated target' using its currency reserves as well as product's pricing.
Credit Guidelines: 1. Credit is interest free. 2. The indexed value at the day of credit issue will be calculated for returns. 3. Borrowers will be issued a credit identity by Google before being eligible for credit.
Credit Identity: A credit identity will be established and initially rated according to the strength of identity (cross social networks profiles, location photos ext).
Credit Rating: Each identity score will be established as a profile based on an internet activity data and will develop by accumulating debt payments history