in #goldenproject6 years ago

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Every transfiguration is preceded by an encounter called visitation. This is more reason the Bible says Isaiah 64vs 1-4:
‘‘Oh! That you would rend the heavens! That you would come down! That the mountains might shake at Your presence- as fire burns brushwood, as fire causes water to boil- to make Your name known to your adversaries, that the nations may tremble at Your presence! When You did awesome things for which we did not look, You came down, the mountains shook at your presence. For since the beginning of the world men have not heard nor perceived by the ears, nor has the eyes seen any God besides You, who acts for the one who waits for Him’’
The presence of God is trembling. When He comes in His fullness, circumstances are transformed, problems are immediately solved, sicknesses are healed, the captives are delivered, and bad names are exchanged for better ones, when He visits His adversaries’ trembles. The enemy of a child of God is an enemy of God.
God can visit man in five (5) different ways.

  1. By His own presence
  2. Through His angels
    3.Through dreams and visions or revelations
    4.Through His servants
    5.Through His words

We shall take a brief look at what happens when God decides to visit all by Himself.
Psalm 18 vs 3 ‘‘I will call upon the Lord, who is worthy to be praise, so shall I be saved from my enemies”
Each time our God (Jehovah) comes visiting, we are saved from the snare of the enemies.
Isaiah 41 vs 13 ‘‘Fear not, I will help you”
When He visits, we receive help through His plenty and available grace. No matter the hindrance, obstacle, or hurdle, He will make a way. In Exodus 15 vs 8, God parted the Red Sea with the blast of His nostril. In Isaiah 40 vs 13-17, God measure the waters (swamp, streams, rivers, lagoon, oceans, seas…) in the hollow of His hands. He will help me today as much as He help you too.

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The sun is about 93 million miles away from the earth. It will take an airplane 10 years to get to the actual location of sun. In the beginning, when God began to command natural effects to begin to manifest, they had not to argue, the manifested without asking why or how. The Lion of the tribe of Judah seats in heaven and does as He pleases. He does not take order from anyone, He does not consult before acting, He is the all knowing God. Who can battle with Him? In Acts 16 vs 25; the earthquake that erupted when Paul and Silas were in prison was not felt in the building close to the prison yard, He is God, that is His name. Even though, the apostles were kept in the inner chambers of the prison, the doors flung open, chains got broken. Who did it? JESUS!!! Oh! My God. Waoh!!

Dear steemians, there is no situation that He cannot turn around. Even though He said,……… be of good cheer for I have overcome the world. He will visit you today.



Thanks for passing by!!

Yes, it's so overwhelming to feel his presence and you don't know when God decides to visit you on this way, specially the first time when it happened I will never forget, because this day I was born again. :)

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