Goldeneye X game play (Perfect Dark Mod)
This is just some Goldeneye X game action I did awhile back. This is a Mod using the Perfect Dark Engine. The first link is my video. The second is a tutorial if you wanna try it out and the 3rd link is the actual site with tons of stuff and other perks. Plus they have Goldeneye Game Mods as well. Try it out you won't be sorry. And it is easy to set up. Oh also you will need a n64 Emulator you can find everywhere and a perfect dark 1.1 rom to patch.
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Here is the site to you get all the mods and alot of other stuff.
This is so awesome I played both games and wont lie liked perfect dark more then goldeneye
Yeah no doubt. If you use GoldeneyeX you can actually play the original Goldeneye missions in Co op like you would in Perfect Dark that is neat too. Also I think there are a few new Characters you can use too in the Combat Simulator like Santa Clause haha.