The Global Economic System Has Been Put On Notice, Prepare Yourself - Episode 1524a
The central bankers have always been afraid of gold, if gold was allowed to move to its real value the people around the world would realize how bad the economy and the fiat system really is. Trump is pushing the tariffs and is going after Germany, most likely he will not back down. This push is to destroy the central bank, this is phase I. More indicators show that the economy is worse off than ever before.
Hi Dave, I've been following you for a couple years now and I wanted to point something out. Is being the reserve currency really something to be desired? When you are the reserve currency, you have to be sugar-daddy to everyone, even the people who hate you. We are the reserve currency because if the USA didn't take that role we probably would have had war declared against us by the rest of the world. But now that we have 13 carrier groups we can likely drop that responsibility and ward off all detractors. Flip the question around. If the dollar loses value, what would the Yen be worth? What would the Euro be worth? Anything Europe makes, we can do without. Anything Japan makes, we can do without. China makes a lot of things, but we can get those things elsewhere. Name one thing that China makes that we can't get from someplace else. China has lots of Lithium, but technology is coming up with a superior solution. Lastly, take a look at Valley Forge, PA. Even Tillerson admitted the oil industry had it's own intelligence agency. Look closely at the Amerigas compound. White hats? Black hats?
I cannot tell you how much your podcasts mean to me, Dave - I particularly appreciate your focus on the direst of necessities to get rid of the present banking system .... thank you.
Gold ? Bix Weir in RoadtoRoota provides credible info on several highly-protected, as-yet-unmined areas of massive gold deposits - Grand Canyon, Chocolate Mountain - which is one of the several reasons why he stopped being a gold bug and has switched to cryptos - the latter being potentially about the only way we will ever un-slave ourselves - what do you think about Bix, Dave?????
Then there is Yamashita's gold ????????
The Cabal owns/controls all of these hidden gold caches.
Thanks Dave, we can try and be prepared! Speaking of gold, everyone blames the 1930s depression etc on the stock market crash of 1929, but what was equally (if not more) important was that the Bank of England came off the gold standard in 1931 as the market crash had caused a banking crisis in Europe. This destroyed the international monetary system and it was that that caused a run on the US banks. The underlying problem being debt - specifically in this case Germany's war reparations. As the pre-eminent Empire of the day it was Britain that had the reserve currency status. It must confer significant advantages otherwise why else would they be fighting so hard to keep it. I think paying your debts in your own currency is a major help - after all you can then print money to assist you. I'm sure there are gold deposits in the Grand Canyon, but I'm equally sure that if it had been profitable to mine them, they would have done so long before now.
I hope people have prepared . It is hard to prepare , when you have very little extra money , so I know it will be even harder for some.
Totally true.
Hey Dave thanks for another great informative video . I gotta tell you brother my gut feelings are that they are not just going to let things go . I am afraid they are up to something really cruel .