Gold verses Platinum = Isn't it interesting that the U.S. Mint writes Gold $50 on the Reverse while Platinum is $100
I've pondered this since gold surpassed platinum back in 2011. I'm thinking to mysef... "Does the U.S. Mint know something I don't"? I'm sure the numbers are there only for traditional purposes but STILL. Seems to me that the U.S. Mint might make a change to their coinage? How about putting $75 on the Platinum Coin and $100 on the Gold Coin? That's what I love about the U.S. Nothing really makes sense. I mean, for instance. You can purchase 1 silver oz at spot price of $17.23 or 1 share of stock in Amazon for $978. I love America. In order to profit living in the U.S. you must follow the money and invest accordingly.
So back to the title at hand. Do you think Platinum will ever catch up to Gold again? I'm sure it will surpass gold at some point in the far off future. In my eyes any investment in precious metals is a good one. Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium (being the 4 big ones). There are also many other metals you can invest in that will eventually rise up and shine. The thing I like about precious metals/semi precious metals is that they are real. You can hold them, show them to your kids what real money looks like, or in the case of SILVER you can use a bar as a door stop or a weapon.
Of course you might think about cryto as well. Seems to be a future in it.
Just some thoughts. Have a great day. PS: Here is a list of precious/semi metals you can add to your portfolio: Web Site:
the philharmonic bullion coin in gold and platin...

Ah, the same price. Cool. Beautiful coins. I want them.
Wow. I would love to have some of those. Truly works of art.
Lit fam
Thanks for the resteem devien. I am very much following your blog. Cheers.
I could go into a long winded explanation as to why bullion especially silver is going to lay flat for a long time indeed but all i will say is PERTH MINT.
People think J P Morgan is the big boogeyman but JP is small fry compared to the Perth mint. Its 60% government owned.
Perth Mint = Australian government = Commonwealth = Queen and her cronies the royal cabal. They are globalist and its the globalist agenda that is manipulating bullion. They want bullion to stay down and that's exactly what will happen. No and's no if's no but's 1 global currency that's the agenda and bullion has been sidelined (imprisoned) for that purpose . The global economic collapse will come directly after the new global currency system has be sufficiently distributed. Thats what the wealthy people will move their wealth in to..... not bullion
Can you think of a new currency system being implemented as we speak ? I can and so should you.
I'll have to check into the perth mint. Makes sense about the Queen and all of their trillions. In the back of my mind I like to relate Biblical terminology with what is happening today. Crypto fits the bill on it all. I do believe that in the future when cash is gone, crypto will play a major roll in the "One World Currency" Until then, I'm just banking on the U.S. dollar collapse, then I sell my bullion.
I would only suggest you have a place prearranged to be able to off load your bullion fast before the dealers catch on whats really going on.
Yes. Also anyone along with their mother will be wanting to dump dollars at an alarming rate and purchase anything that keeps its value or goes up in value. I'm thinking more of trading for a House, land, etc. We will see.
I think you will stay on the ball : )...and's Biblical my friend.
Artwork, I am fan :)
Thanks for the post. Have a good one.
Nothing in the USA is real, its like one big Hollywood sound stage. Also the "gold reserve" and the metal prices.
Yep, yep, and yep. Couldn't agree more.
I'm also a gold bug, next rally could push gold to $50 k levels easily with all these QEs ongoing. Silver to $3-5k.
I agree. I"m sure the corrupt banking system has some devious plan to quench the gains. They can't hold it down forever.