After having this smoothie for break-fast, I went for a long run and along the way back, I saw some Red Clover and picked a few leaves.
I remember the wild rabbits eating it and that tells me that it's loaded with nutrients like vitamins and minerals - So I added the leaves to the smoothie and it was Delicious!
Red Clover Health Benefits:
Red clover is a source of many valuable nutrients including calcium, chromium, magnesium, niacin, phosphorus, potassium, thiamine, and vitamin C.
Red Clover helps with indigestion.(So do bananas! and they also quell acid reflux.)
Red clover may also block enzymes thought to contribute to prostate cancer in men.
Cardiovascular benefits:
Red Clover may help to prevent heart disease in several ways. Taking red clover can lower the levels of 'bad' cholesterol (LDL) and raise the levels of 'good' (HDL) cholesterol in the body. In addition, Red Clover may also promote an increase in the secretion of bile acid. Because cholesterol is a major component of bile acid, increased bile acid production usually means that more cholesterol is used and less cholesterol circulates in the body. Additionally, red clover contains small amounts of chemicals known as coumarins, which may help keep the blood from becoming thick and gummy. Therefore, the possibility of forming blood clots and arterial plaques may be reduced. Plaques are accumulations of blood cells, fats, and other substances that may build up in blood vessels, possibly reducing or blocking blood flow.
Red clover may also help the arteries remain strong and flexible, which may also help to prevent some of the plaque deposits that may lead to a heart attack or a stroke.