A Temporary Guide to Budget Decks

in #godsunchained5 years ago (edited)

Why do I say temporary? Well, genesis is going to get real expensive eventually, due to it's limited nature. Once the player base really pumps, those cards will be crazy expensive. For now though, as the game remains unpopular, we can really take advantage of these low prices.

I'm not going to sugar coat it: this game is pay to win. If you want to have a good deck for each god to maximize your flux earnings, you're going to have to lay down some cash. Some decks by themselves though can be fairly cheap, thankfully, and they can be even cheaper if you use budget lists. To be fair, once you've played long enough, you can profit off of this game, but it takes a lot of hours, probably within the triple digits.

Just a reminder, the market is not stable, and thus I have removed the price estimation on here. I'll still have my decks up on GUDecks so you can check their ETH price whenever. At the time of this edit, they're going anywhere from .1 ETH to .03 ETH, which really, really cheap, especially with the drop in ETH prices lately.

Now, enough on the thoughts, let's get into the deck lists! I will put down small guides for each, though nothing too fancy. If you want something more fancy, just read my previous article that I probably just reposted ( https://steemit.com/godsunchained/@greenguy654/refurbished-repost-how-to-stop-being-bad-at-gu-the-absolute-essentials ). I'll go through these lists in order of what I believe to be the best to worst lists (except for Deception, which was bad at first until I remembered a better list). Keep in mind that these lists are probably not perfect, and that they could use some optimization from players that actually have played half of these. In fact, if you think you have any ideas to improve these decks in a budget way, please let me know (preferably on Discord @GreenGuy#3326).

Budget Face War

List: https://gudecks.com/decks/1584

Short Guide: uh, hit face. It's really simple, actually. Nothing beyond basic advice will make you play better with this deck. Every now and then, especially vs. other Aggro decks, it is important to make good trades... That's it though.

Upgrades: The only real upgrades are Blade of Styx -> Scythes of the Harvest and Leviathin Hunter -> Tartessian Improviser, the former being a huge boost to this deck. Everything else is kinda debatable or a form of optimization.

Budget Amazon Nature

List: https://gudecks.com/decks/1587

Short guide: fill your board with amazons and keep them alive until you can buff them. Because of the nature (hehe) of this deck, it's very appropriate to play defensively early on against aggro decks, as you will certainly out-value them later on in the game. If you have a 1-drop in hand, instead of using your bag to pump out a 2-cost early as an aggro deck would usually do, it's typically better to save them for later turns, especially for an early Agrodor Protector or 5 mana slapper. I have Proud Conscriptor on this list because they're actually super cheap at the time I'm writing this, though this may change depending on if whales catch wind. As for god powers, run Forage against super slow Control decks and Leech Life against Aggro.

Upgrades: This list is actually very close to my personal list. Only upgrade would be Bonepact Hunter -> Penthesilean Warrior.

Budget Zoo Light

List: https://gudecks.com/decks/1586

Short Guide: Once was theorycraft, but now GGian's list is a new threat to the meta! Swarm the board like any other zoo deck and make dangerously good trades with the help of Heaven's Light.

Upgrades: Only upgrades I could think of are Master of Indulgences -> Highborn Knight and Cudgel of Atonement -> Ritual Rod.

Budget Control Deception

List: https://gudecks.com/decks/1588

Short Guide: I'm not very experienced with the deck, so I couldn't give really good advice, but I'm pretty sure it acts like any normal control deck, just with a few tricky things there. A good win-con for the deck is to spam Charm on an opponent's creature then to take control of it and hit face with Anti-

Upgrades: Demogorgons are a lot, lot better than a copy of Double Dealer and Cyclops Defender. There are a lot of other potential upgrades, but that's the most non-debatable one.

Budget Control Magic

List: https://gudecks.com/decks/1222

Short Guide: It plays exactly like your classic control deck, except on a budget. Play to slow down your opponent until you play your big creatures later on. Play the god power Clear Mind when playing against Slayer War and Blastwave against everything else.

Upgrades: just play Rune Magic. It's almost a completely different list, but, aside from the Ocular Fiends, it's actually not that expensive.

Budget Zoo Death

List: https://gudecks.com/decks/1585

Short Guide: It's basically just Face War but worse.

Upgrades: play Atlantean Zoo Death instead. Half-jokes aside, Trial Spirit -> Expectant Chicken and Greed Banestrider -> Daemonic Offering does a LOT for this deck.


Yooooooo This is awesome!!!!! Nice job!

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